The Achilles font, crafted by the creative minds at Iconian Fonts, embodies a fusion of strength and precision, reminiscent of the ancient Greek hero it is named after. This font distinguishes itself with its robust character shapes and linear sharpness, suggesting a design that is both authoritative and unfaltering.
Iconian Fonts, known for their diverse and thematic font collections, ensures that Achilles is not merely a typeface but a statement. The letters in the Achilles font are typically characterized by their bold presence, with pronounced lines and angles that convey a sense of determination and resilience. The font's design, while modern, carries echoes of classical influences, making it versatile for projects that require a touch of elegance or a nod to historical strength and valor.
Achilles is suitable for a range of applications, from print to digital media. Its strong profile makes it ideal for headings, titles, and any content that demands attention. Moreover, its readability, despite its boldness, allows it to be used in varying contexts, from promotional materials and branding to thematic video games or cinematic titles. The font often includes several variations, including italic and bold, providing designers with flexibility and adaptability for their creative projects.
In sum, the Achilles font by Iconian Fonts stands out for its strong, sharp, and versatile design. It captures the essence of its namesake hero, making a statement of boldness and endurance wherever it is used. Whether in the realm of design, advertising, or storytelling, Achilles offers a timeless yet impactful choice for conveying power and precision through typography.
Character map
" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ Š ‰
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Unknown license
85 glyphs
1999 - Iconian Fonts. Achilles. 1
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Zip contains 2 files
Ach4.ttf14.2 kB
ach.TXT239 B
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