The font named Not Quite Right BRK by AEnigma is a distinctive and characterful typeface that embodies a unique blend of quirkiness and legibility. This semi-novelty font, designed by the prolific font creator Brian Kent, under his AEnigma brand, boldly stands out due to its unusual and offbeat design elements. Not Quite Right BRK is a testament to the creative experimentation and playful approach that AEnigma is known for in the world of typography.
At first glance, Not Quite Right BRK might seem like a jumble of irregular shapes and unconventional letterforms, but upon closer inspection, its underlying structure and consistency become apparent. The font features a mix of angular and rounded edges, which give it a dynamic and somewhat unpredictable feel. Each character is crafted to appear as though it is slightly off-kilter or askew, contributing to the font's namesake and charm. This intentional irregularity adds a lively and whimsical quality to texts, making the font particularly suited for projects that aim to stand out or convey creativity and individuality.
Despite its unconventional appearance, Not Quite Right BRK maintains a good level of readability. The font's spacing and sizing have been thoughtfully balanced to ensure that, even with its creative liberties, it remains functional for various applications. This makes Not Quite Right BRK versatile enough to be used in everything from creative project headings and logos to more eclectic web design elements or graphic arts. Its unique flavor adds personality and flair wherever it's applied, inviting audiences into a slightly off-beat world where design norms are playfully challenged.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Æ æ −
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Not Quite Right BRK

Unknown license
91 glyphs, 1854 kerning pairs
ÆNIGMA FONTS [e-mail] FONTLAB30:TTEXPORT. Not Quite Right BRK. Version 2.13. NotQuiteRightBRK
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