The Corleone font, created by FontMesa, is a distinctive typeface that pays homage to the iconic typography associated with the title of the classic film, "The Godfather." This font captures the essence and nostalgia of the movie's branding, which has left a permanent mark on pop culture. It is characterized by its elegant, yet somewhat foreboding appearance, reflecting the mix of family loyalty and the dark underworld of organized crime the film portrays.
Corleone is designed with sharp, cursive letterforms that bear a strong resemblance to the hand-lettered titles seen in "The Godfather's" promotional materials and opening credits. The typeface features elaborate capital letters that are both imposing and stylized, with certain letters displaying unique flourishes that enhance their ornate appearance. Its lower-case letters, while more subdued than the capitals, still carry a sense of the formal and the dramatic, making Corleone a versatile font for various design purposes.
The font not only evokes the era of the film's setting but also adapts to modern design needs. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, from movie posters and book covers to elegant invitations and branding projects that require a touch of sophistication or a nod to cinematic history. Corleone by FontMesa achieves a balance between artistic flair and functionality, making it a compelling choice for designers seeking to imbue their work with a sense of classic drama and timeless style.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¨ © ® ¯ ± ´ ¸ ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý ÿ Ć ć Ĉ ĉ Ċ ċ Č č Ğ ğ ı Ş ş Š š Ÿ Ź ź Ż ż Ž ž ˆ ˇ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ‘ ’ ‚ ‛ “ ” „ … ‰ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞
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100% free
212 glyphs, 4510 kerning pairs
(c) 2001 Michael Hagemann All Rights Reserved. Corleone. 12/07/01 Take the font leave the cannoli
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