The Equestria_Cyrillic font, crafted by Neale Davidson, is a distinctive and playful font inspired by the magical realm of Equestria from the popular My Little Pony franchise. This typeface captures the whimsical and joyful essence of the series, blending it seamlessly with the Cyrillic script to cater to a broader audience, including speakers and readers of languages that utilize this alphabet.
Equestria_Cyrillic stands out for its rounded edges and soft shapes, giving it a friendly and approachable appearance. It is characterized by its unique letterforms that almost seem to leap off the page, echoing the lively personalities of the characters from the show. The font incorporates subtle visual nods to the magical creatures and themes of Equestria, making it an ideal choice for projects aiming to evoke a sense of adventure and fantasy.
Despite its playful nature, the font maintains a level of readability and versatility. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, from children’s book titles and party invitations to branding elements and digital content aimed at fans of the franchise and beyond. The incorporation of Cyrillic characters broadens its usability, allowing designers and content creators to reach a diverse audience while adding a touch of enchantment characteristic of Neale Davidson’s creative vision.
Character map
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Personal use only
303 glyphs
Equestria © (Neale Davidson). 2011. All Rights Reserved. Equestria:Version 1.10. Equestria_Cyrillic. Version 1.10 - May 12, 2013. Neale Davidson.
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