Droid Serif is a contemporary serif typeface family commissioned by Google and designed by Steve Matteson of Ascender Corporation. Unveiled in 2007 as part of the Droid family of fonts, it was crafted with the intention of providing optimal readability on mobile device screens, an area of increasing importance during the time of its release. The Droid family was developed to create a visual harmony across various devices, ensuring that Android users have a consistent reading experience whether looking at their phones, tablets, or other displays.
Droid Serif features a slightly condensed design with large, open forms. This attribute helps enhance readability on low-resolution screens, where space is at a premium and every pixel counts. It includes the upright regular, italic, bold, and bold italic styles, providing flexibility for a wide range of digital applications. The letter shapes are classic yet modern, combining traditional serif elegance with functionality designed for the digital age. Its serifs are sturdy and functional, lending to the stability and legibility of the typeface at small sizes.
Beyond its technical merits, Droid Serif carries a warm, approachable aesthetic that has made it suitable for various digital formats, including e-books, web content, and mobile applications. It's not just functional; it also adds a touch of character and sophistication to the text it composes. The balance between traditional typography principles and modern design needs has resulted in a versatile typeface that has been widely adopted beyond its initial intention, appearing in both digital and print mediums.
Since its release, Droid Serif, alongside its sans-serif counterpart, Droid Sans, has played a pivotal role in shaping the visual identity of Android devices and the broader digital typography landscape. Its creation marked an important moment in the evolution of type design for digital screens, pushing forward the conversation about how typefaces can be optimized for readability, style, and consistency across diverse digital platforms.
Character map
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Droid Serif

100% free
584 glyphs, 9121 kerning pairs
Digitized data copyright © 2006, Google Corporation.. Ascender - Droid Serif. Droid Serif. Version 1.00 build 107. DroidSerif. Droid is a trademark of Google and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.. Ascender Corporation. http://www.ascendercorp.com/. http://www.ascendercorp.com/typedesigners.html. This font software is the valuable property of Ascender Corporation and/or its suppliers and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. This font software is licensed to you by Ascender Corporation for your personal or business use on up to five personal computers. You may not use this font software on more than five personal computers unless you have obtained a license from Ascender to do so. Except as specifically permitted by the license, you may not copy this font software. If you have any questions, please review the license agreement you received with this font software, and/or contact Ascender Corporation. Contact Information: Ascender Corporation Web http://www.ascendercorp.com/. http://ascendercorp.com/eula10.html
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