The Zig Zag ML font, crafted by the designer known as koeiekat, is an intriguing typeface that captures attention with its distinctive style. The word "Zig Zag" in its name already hints at the angularity and dynamic movement inherent in its design. This font belongs to a unique category where creativity and eccentricity converge, making it ideal for projects that aim to stand out or convey a sense of innovation and dynamism.
Upon inspecting the Zig Zag ML font, one will notice the pronounced zigzag patterns that give the characters their unique personality. These angles create a rhythmic disruption in the traditional flow of text, making the font not just a vehicle for text but also a decorative element. This might be particularly appealing for designers looking to inject a playful or edgy tone into their work, such as in the realms of graphic design for music, fashion, or contemporary art. The use of this font can add a layer of visual interest to posters, logos, and digital content that seeks to break from the norm.
Despite its distinctive style, the Zig Zag ML font maintains a level of readability, a testament to koeiekat’s thoughtful design. The designer has managed to balance the font's decorative elements with the practical need for clarity in communication. This makes Zig Zag ML versatile within its niche, suitable for titles, headings, and short pieces of text where its unique characteristics can shine without compromising the legibility of the content. It's clear that koeiekat has created a font that not only pushes the boundaries of traditional typography but also invites designers to explore new possibilities in visual expression.
Character map
! " % & ' ( ) + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; = ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ^ ` h i m n q s t u v w y ~ ¡ ´ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü ˆ

A kerning exercise.

Jumpy retro typeface :)

I see your TOU is written similar to how I have written mine, which is comforting as I often seek your opinion (as well as that of your fellow forum moderators at Abstract Fonts) on these sorts of things.

I love the typeface too btw, so perfectly art deco. Especially like the Q. Nice work kk.

Zig Zag ML

Personal use only
96 glyphs, 1267 kerning pairs
© 2009 koeiekat - Based on Zig Zag by Marcia Loeb 1975.. Zig Zag ML kk. Zig Zag ML. Version 1.20 may 28, 2009. zigzagml. kk. Original design by Marcia Loeb. Digitized 2009 and hand-kerned by koeiekat, based on the original design of Marcia Loeb (1975). Accents and Dutch IJ added. Q and U modified. Numbers and S by Stefan Lundhem (2001). The original Q, S and U are in the lower case range. The Dutch IJ is in the lower case y. Other alternative characters added in the lower cases h, i, m, n, t, v and w.. Free for Personal Use. Donation required for Commercial Use . Email for details. Upon downloading this font the user bound to abide the Free Font Terms of Use/Free Font End User License Agreement (TOU/EULA) defined below. This agreement pertains to you/the user and the liscencing rights aquired with this download. These rights are specific to free download and usage of this font, i.e. a personal use License agreement. ----------------------------------------------- Free Font Terms of Use Free Font End User License Agreement: ----------------------------------------------- 1.) This font is free for personal use* and may not be used commercially.** 2.) The distribution of this font for financial gain or profit is not permitted under any circumstances and is strictly prohibited. Do not add this font to a font CD or compilation and or archive that is to be sold for a profit. Basically, don't sell this font, and do not make things that are to be sold with this font... It's free for personal use only. Commercial use requires the user to obtain a Commercial Font End User License. A Commercial Font End User License is granted after permission has been received. Email for more details. For profit scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material (s) or scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material(s) intended to be sold/resold with this font are also prohibited under this license, and require a commercial License. To obtain a Commercial Font End User License for this font email Please note, scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking use of this font is only restricted when pertaining to the making of any for profit items. Otherwise creating items to be used "personally," whether in a traditional scrapbook or digital scrapbook is entirely permitted under this free License. 3.) This font file must be kept intact as downloaded. Under no circumstances may this font file itself be edited, altered, or modified at any time or in any measure. This prohibits and indcludes but is not limited to, renaming this font file, as well as the creation of so-called "new" and/or derivitave fonts from this font file or any other possible digital representations. 4.) Redistribution of this font is permitted only if it is offered free of charge, no fee is implemented upon the aquistition of this font. If you do redistribute this font, please email with details. 5.) Upon downloading this font, the user accepts all liability and sole responsibility for the font file. The Kat (koeiekat) is not responsible or liable for any damages, loss or other consequences incurred as a result of downloading this font, or otherwise relating or associated with the download. *Personal use does not constitute "public domain." **If you are interested in the commercial use of this font or using this font in any manner outside the realm of "personal use," you must obtain the rights to use this font commercially (Commercial Font End User License) prior to doing so. To obtain a Commercial Font End User License Agreement with this font, contact me koeiekat at, Thank you for accepting and abiding these terms.
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