Character map
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For softlad, cause a condensed version was needed.

Koeiekat, this really made me smile! Thank You Very Much!

Heron2001 may have got the cigar but the catnip, salmon and the cream belongs to you!

Once again Koeiekat, thank you.

Kindest Regards


Your typeface rather resembles Adobe's Mojo; is it a condensed version of it or a derivative work?

I can honestly say Richard that this is a 100% genuine rip-off of probably another rip-off. But not the Mojo.

It started here and ended as a joke with this thing to show Gary how easy it is to get what you need without constant condensing in Photoshop and the like. I used the Fillmore variation thus the name fillmore condensed.

And surprisingly I made something out of it. Catnip, salmon and cream! What else would The Kat want?

Fillmore kk

Personal use only
222 glyphs, 4 kerning pairs
© 2007 koeiekat. Fillmore kk Condensed. v1.0 2007 02 09 initial release. Fillmorekk. kk. This font is freeware for non-commercial use.. This font may be used free of charge for non-commercial projects. Please contact me if you plan to use it for other purposes. It also may be distributed free of charge on any websites provided this file is intact. Contact:
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