Character map
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Libertinas & co. is a handwritten typeface, with a casual, elegant and sensual style, with many possibilities to compose different titles, flyers, publications or typographic posters for example.

In the commercial version, the font has an extra set of capital letters and another one of decorative lowercase for word end, also 3 stylistic set with more alternative letters and many other Open Type functions. Includes the Bitcoin symbol.




Personal use only
231 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2017 by deFharo. All rights reserved.. deFharo: Libertinas-co-FFP.: 2017. Libertinas-co.ffp. Version 1.281. Libertinas&co. is a trademark of deFharo.. deFharo. Fernando Haro. Libertinas & co. is a handwritten typeface, with a casual, elegant and sensual style, with many possibilities to compose different titles, flyers, publications or typographic posters for example. In the commercial version, the font has an extra set of capital letters and another one of decorative lowercase for word end, also 3 stylistic set with more alternative letters and many other Open Type functions. Includes the Bitcoin symbol.. Personal use only (FFP)! Leer / Read: Commercial license. READ: Please visit to buy a commercial license.. Libertinas-co.. ffp
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