Character map
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Iso 2.0

Personal use only
170 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2012 by Julia Martinez Diana, Antipixel. All rights reserved. All commercial uses of any of my fonts requires a licensing fee. Please contact me to with any questions beforehand. Todo uso comercial de esta tipografia requiere el pago de su licencia. Por favor, contactame por cualquier duda a Iso:Version 2.00. Iso 2.0. Version 2.00 2012. Iso2.0. Iso 2.0 is a trademark of Julia Martinez Diana, Antipixel.. Julia Martinez Diana, Antipixel. Julia Martinez Diana. Copyright (c) 2012 by Julia Martinez Diana. All rights reserved. All commercial uses of any of my fonts requires a licensing fee. Please contact me to with any questions beforehand. Todo uso comercial de esta tipografia requiere el pago de su licencia. Por favor, contactame por cualquier duda a Free for personal use.. Fabio me exige, sin tapujos, que añada cerveza al whisky
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