Character map
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Sweet Steeffie

Personal use only
169 glyphs
Copyright (c) 2010 by David Kerkhoff. All rights reserved.. DavidKerkhoff: Sweet Steeffie: 2010. Sweet Steeffie. Version 1.001. SweetSteeffie. Sweet Steeffie is a trademark of David Kerkhoff.. David Kerkhoff. This font is free for personal use. Donation required for commercial use, like websites, blogs, print, corporate use, schools, etc. You can donate any amount you feel comfortable with through PayPal - , and mention 'Oei Font'. Should you have any questions regarding this license, don't hesitate to contact me. Future updates are free for people who have donated.. This font is free for personal use. Donation required for commercial use, like websites, blogs, print, corporate use, schools, etc. You can donate any amount you feel comfortable with through PayPal - Should you have any questions regarding this license, don't hesitate to contact me. Future updates are free for people who have donated.
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