Schnee, created by Marine Drouan, is a distinctive typeface that strikes an elegant balance between artistic innovation and functional typographic design. Its name, meaning "snow" in German, reflects the font's unique traits that evoke the lightness and delicate intricacy of snowflakes. This is not just a name but a reflection of its aesthetic qualities, which combine clarity with a gentle, organic form.
The design of Schnee is characterized by its clean lines and geometric shapes, yet it eschews harshness for smooth curves and subtle variations in stroke weight. This gives Schnee a modern yet approachable quality, making it highly versatile for various applications, from digital interfaces to printed literature. Its letterforms are meticulously crafted, offering a harmonious balance that supports legibility even at smaller sizes, a crucial attribute for contemporary typography.
Moreover, Schnee incorporates elements of playfulness within its character set. This includes a selection of ligatures and alternates that add a touch of whimsy to texts, allowing designers to inject personality and flair into their projects. Despite these decorative features, Schnee maintains a clean aesthetic that ensures its suitability across both artistic and corporate contexts.
In summary, Schnee by Marine Drouan stands out as a font that is both beautiful and functional. Its name encapsulates the essence of its design—light, elegant, and slightly whimsical, like a fresh snowfall that charms the senses and transforms landscapes. Schnee's blend of geometric precision with subtle organic touches makes it an excellent choice for designers seeking a font that combines modernity with warmth, making texts inviting and compelling to read.
Character map
! " $ ' ( ) * , - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; = ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z | ‘ ’ “ ”
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Copyright mixher 2009. FontStruct schnee. schnee Regular. Version 1.0. schnee. FontStruct is a trademark of FSI FontShop International GmbH. mixher. This font was created using FontStruct ( Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.
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