Character map
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220 glyphs, 14115 kerning pairs
Typeface © Megami Studios. 2008. All Rights Reserved. Voynich:Version 1.05. Voynich. Version 1.05, July 28, 2008 . Megami Studios. Rob Barba. Voynich is an eerie, alien font based on the mysterious tome known as the Voynich manuscript ( Please be aware that this is merely a decorative font that uses the glyphs of the Voynich manuscript to approximate the Latin alphabet and is not meant to be an attempt to transcribe the actual manuscript. For more information on this, please see the Wikipedia articles at: Special thanks must go to René Zandbergen and Gabriel Landini for their creation of the European Voynich Alphabet (EVA) transcription system. A copy of a font based on the actual EVA transcription may be found at Megami Studios Fonts License Agreement (Free Fonts) All fonts © Megami Studios. All Rights Reserved. No Megami Studios Fonts (fonts) may be altered or redisributed without the express permission of Megami Studios. These fonts are meant as freeware for self-publishing and non-profit use only. This does not include usage by major publishers (e.g. Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Oni, Image, SLG, Top Cow, Crossgen, Tokyopop, Del Rey, Viz Media, and their subsidiaries) or major websites (e.g. Penny Arcade, PVP, Megatokyo) (collectively, "major publishers") without a license fee. Use by a major publisher (or an employee) and use for mainstream publishing will incur a license fee to be paid to Megami Studios. In short: *Anyone may use these fonts for non-profit projects. *If you are a self-publisher and/or creator, you may use these fonts for any independent published project, for profit or non-profit. *If you are an independent creator publishing through a major publisher (see above for some examples), there is a license fee. *If you are not an independent creator and you plan to use these fonts in a commercial project, there is a license fee. Please email Megami Studios for fees on free font usage, as well as an invoice for your records.. Quartz jock vends BMW glyph fix
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