Evanescent, as suggested by its name, embodies a characteristic often associated with things that are fleeting, ethereal, or gently fading into the invisible. This font manages to encapsulate the essence of impermanence through its design, marrying elegance with a transient lightness.
The typeface of Evanescent is crafted with finesse, featuring delicate lines that seem to almost disappear as they stretch out, creating a sense of weightlessness and fragility. It's as if the letters themselves are only just emerging from the mist, or slowly vanishing into it, embodying the very definition of evanescent. Each letterform is designed with attention to detail, ensuring that while they may appear fragile, they maintain clarity and readability, making the font not just a beautiful design, but a functional one too.
Evanescent might use a combination of thin, almost hairline strokes, coupled with slightly thicker ones to create a visual hierarchy that guides the eye smoothly across text. This play of thickness not only adds depth to the overall design but also accentuates the ephemeral quality of the font. It's perfect for applications that require a touch of sophistication and subtlety, such as wedding invitations, boutique branding, or literary publications where the mood and tone of the text need to be complemented by the font used.
Moreover, Evanescent likely includes a set of beautifully designed characters, possibly incorporating unique ligatures, graceful curves, and finely-tuned kerning that allow for a seamless and aesthetic typeflow. This attention to detail ensures that whether the font is used in a large display setting or as body text, it retains its enchanting character, drawing readers in with its inviting allure.
In essence, Evanescent is a font that speaks of things transient: beauty, time, moments. It does so with an elegant whisper, not a shout, making it a favorite for projects that require a font with both a delicate touch and a strong design backbone.
Character map
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { } ~ ¡ ¢ £ ¥ © ® ° ß ï ‘ ’ “ ” † • ™
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Unknown license
109 glyphs
Typeface © Draftlight/Aeryn/Wind-Up Records 2003. All Rights Reserved. DraftlightBandFoundry-Aeryn: Evanescent Series B: 2003. Evanescence Series B. Version 2.000 2003 series B public release. Evanescent. Draftlight BandFoundry - Aeryn. Aeryn - Bandfoundry@Draftlight. Official (public ACA) release, contract font Series B - for Ben. http://bandfoundry.draftlight.net/. http://www.draftlight.net/aeryn/. All rendering and production of physical goods, merchandise, media labels, advertising or printed material is prohibited. This font is issued for personal online use only and contains intentional alterations from the label contract version.. http://www.draftlight.net/aeryn/evanescence/font.php. Regular. Evan+escŽnc
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