97 search results (0.005 seconds)
  1. KR Get Well Dings - Unknown license
  2. KR Women In Sports - Unknown license
  3. KR Summer Vacation 2002 - Unknown license
  4. KR Turtles For Julie - Unknown license
  5. KR All Cracked Up - Unknown license
  6. KR Frogs for Jennifer - Unknown license
  7. KR Love Lies Bleeding - Unknown license
  8. KR Coffee To Go - Unknown license
  9. KR A Fishing We Go - Unknown license
  10. KR A Hunting We Go - Unknown license
  11. KR Kick Up Your Heels - Unknown license
  12. KR Silly Art Holiday - Unknown license
  13. KR Silly Art People - Unknown license
  14. KR Silly Art Dings - Unknown license
  15. Hiragino Sans TC by SCREEN Graphic Solutions, $200.00
    Hiragino Sans Traditional Chinese is a traditional Chinese font that inherits design characteristics from the Hiragino Sans (Kaku Gothic). The font satisfies the rising demand for a high-quality Big 5 embedded font for multilingual products, allowing it to be utilized in a wide range of applications.
  16. Hangtime by Type Associates, $24.50
    Hangtime Rad and Extra were designed with surf posters in mind, a subject close to my heart as an avid sailboarder and surfer. Its slightly raked (3 degrees) yet vertical appearance makes for compact setting with extreme impact. Hangtime exhibits some quirky terminal features, its shortened upstrokes are balanced by the lengthened strokes of others providing unusually consistent spacing. Best applied to display situations but is readable at text sizes.
  17. Wiesbaden Swing by Linotype, $29.99
    German designer Rosemarie Kloos-Rau created Wiesbaden Swing in 1992 for Linotype. This light, informal typeface is based on her own handwriting, and the strokes have a feeling of spontaneity and energetic flair. Characters like the D, O, W, g, n and y really do swing with unbridled confidence and joy. Kloos-Rau says about her typeface: “From the experience with my design company I recognized the need for fonts with personality. Wiesbaden Swing is my contemporary contribution to the field of calligraphy, a headline font which offers a fresh and unconventional approach to typography.” This family has both regular and bold weights, and a set of Dingbats. The Dingbats are light-hearted and zippy symbols for holidays, children’s products, menus, and more. Wiesbaden Swing will add zest to packaging, catalogs, menus, websites, greeting cards, and magazine layouts.
  18. Hiragino Sans GB by SCREEN Graphic Solutions, $200.00
    Based on the Hiragino Sans (Kaku Gothic) design, this is the first Chinese-language font from a Japanese font manufacturer to be certified compliant with China’s GB 18030-2000 standard. Unique features are a contemporary typeface design that sets it apart from existing Chinese typefaces and a dedication to high quality down to the slightest detail. Multi-language composition using both Japanese and Chinese Hiragino fonts offer a sense of unity With demand growing rapidly in China, Hiragino Sans Simplified Chinese is the optimal font for uses in those fields that need both readability and contemporary vibe such as product packaging, catalogues, books, magazines, websites, and sign and displays.
  19. Elegant Hand Script by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
 Der schludrige und raue handgeschriebene Cha­rak­ter, geben der Schrift eine hohe Wiedererkennung und eine gewisse Einzigartigkeit. Das Motto lautet handgemacht, rau und elegant. EINSATZGEBIETE
 Das dreckige, elegante Aussehen der handgeschriebenen Schrift würde sich über fol­gende Gebiete sehr freuen und sich dort dreckig heimisch füh­len: Logos/Wortmarken aller Art, Flyer für fast jede Party, Plat­ten­Co­ver, Comic-Cover und Gra­phic Novel Let­te­ring, Pla­kat­ De­sign, Movie-Font, als Head­line­schrift für print und digi­tale Maga­zine, Bücher und Web­sei­ten u.v.m. TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN Überschriften | Auszeichnungsschrift | dreckige Handschrift »elegant hand script«. OpenType Schrift mit 223 Glyphen & 1 Schriftschnitt (regu­lar). Symbole und Ligaturen (mit dia­kri­ti­schen Zei­chen & €)
  20. MODERN Hand Fraktur by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
 Der schludrige und raue handgeschriebene Fraktur Cha­rak­ter, geben der Schrift eine hohe Wiedererkennung und eine gewisse Einzigartigkeit. Das Motto lautet handgemacht, rau, Fraktur & modern. EINSATZGEBIETE
 Das dreckige, dicke Aussehen der handgeschriebenen Schrift würde sich über fol­gende Gebiete sehr freuen und sich dort dreckig heimisch füh­len: Logos/Wortmarken aller Art, Flyer für fast jede Party, Plat­ten­Co­ver, Comic-Cover und Gra­phic Novel Let­te­ring, Pla­kat­ De­sign, Movie-Font, als Head­line­schrift für print und digi­tale Maga­zine, Bücher und Web­sei­ten u.v.m. TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN Überschriften | Auszeichnungsschrift | Fraktur Handschrift »Modern Hand Fraktur«. OpenType Schrift mit 258 Glyphen & 1 Schriftschnitt (regu­lar). Symbole und Ligaturen (mit dia­kri­ti­schen Zei­chen & €)
  21. TA Bankslab by Tural Alisoy, $33.00
    The building of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg's Baku branch was built in 1903-1905. It was the first Art Nouveau-style building in Baku, Azerbaijan. Later the bank was transformed into the Russian-Asian Bank. After the oil boom in Baku in the 19th century, branches of many banks and new banks were opened in the city. The branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg was among the first banks that was opened in Baku. N.Bayev was the architect of the building for the branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg located at Gorchakovskaya 3 in 1903-1905. The building currently houses the Central Branch of the International Bank of Azerbaijan. My purpose in writing this is not to copy and paste the information from Wikipedia. What attracted me to the building was the word "Банкъ" (Bank) written in Cyrillic letters, which was also used in Azerbaijan during the Soviet era. The exact date of the writing is not known. Every time I pass by this building, I always thought of creating a font of this writing someday. I had taken a photo of the building and saved it on my phone. I did a lot of research on the font and asked a lot of people. However, some did not provide information at all and some said they did not have any information. I was interested in the history of this font but I do not know if this font really existed or it was created by the architect out of nowhere. If there was such a history of this font, I wanted to recreate this font and make it available. If not, I had to create it from scratch in the same way, using only existing letters on the building. Finally, I made up my mind and decided to develop the font with all letters I have got. It was difficult to create a font based on the word, Банкъ. Because in the appearance of the letters, the midline of the letters on A, H, K was very distinct, both in the form of inclination and in more precise degrees. The serif part of the letters, the height of the upper and lower sides, differed from each other. I don't know whether it was done this way when the building was constructed or it happened over time. I prepared and kept the initial version of the font. I took a break for a while. I started digging on the story of the font again. Meanwhile, I was researching and got inspired by similar fonts. Unfortunately, my research on the font's history did not yield any results. I decided to continue finishing up the font. After developing the demo, I created the font by keeping certain parts of these differences in the letters. In addition, I had to consider the development of letters in the Cyrillic, as well as the Latin alphabet, over the past period. Thus, I began to look at the appearance of slab-serif or serif fonts of that time. In general, as I gain more experience in developing fonts, I try to focus on the precision of the design for each font. In recent years, I specifically paid attention to this matter. YouTube channel and articles by Alexandra K.'s of ParaType, as well as, information and samples from TypeType and Fontfabric studios on the Cyrillic alphabet were quite useful. I gathered data regarding the Latin alphabet from various credible sources. I do not know if I could accomplish what I aimed at but I know one thing that I could develop the font. Maybe someday I'll have to revise this font. For now, I share it with you. I created the font in 10 styles. 7 weight from Thin to Extra Black, an Outline, Shadow, and Art Nouveau. The Art Nouveau style was inspired by the texture in the background used for the text on the building. The texture I applied to capital letters adds beauty to the font. If you like the font feel free to use it or simply let me know if your current alphabet doesn't support this font.
  22. TA Bankslab Art Nouveau by Tural Alisoy, $40.00
    TA Bankslab graphic presentation at Behance The building of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg's Baku branch was built in 1903-1905. It was the first Art Nouveau-style building in Baku, Azerbaijan. Later the bank was transformed into the Russian-Asian Bank. After the oil boom in Baku in the 19th century, branches of many banks and new banks were opened in the city. The branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg was among the first banks that was opened in Baku. N.Bayev was the architect of the building for the branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg located at Gorchakovskaya 3 in 1903-1905. The building currently houses the Central Branch of the International Bank of Azerbaijan. My purpose in writing this is not to copy and paste the information from Wikipedia. What attracted me to the building was the word "Банкъ" (Bank) written in Cyrillic letters, which was also used in Azerbaijan during the Soviet era. The exact date of the writing is not known. Every time I pass by this building, I always thought of creating a font of this writing someday. I had taken a photo of the building and saved it on my phone. I did a lot of research on the font and asked a lot of people. However, some did not provide information at all and some said they did not have any information. I was interested in the history of this font but I do not know if this font really existed or it was created by the architect out of nowhere. If there was such a history of this font, I wanted to recreate this font and make it available. If not, I had to create it from scratch in the same way, using only existing letters on the building. Finally, I made up my mind and decided to develop the font with all letters I have got. It was difficult to create a font based on the word, Банкъ. Because in the appearance of the letters, the midline of the letters on A, H, K was very distinct, both in the form of inclination and in more precise degrees. The serif part of the letters, the height of the upper and lower sides, differed from each other. I don't know whether it was done this way when the building was constructed or it happened over time. I prepared and kept the initial version of the font. I took a break for a while. I started digging on the story of the font again. Meanwhile, I was researching and got inspired by similar fonts. Unfortunately, my research on the font's history did not yield any results. I decided to continue finishing up the font. After developing the demo, I created the font by keeping certain parts of these differences in the letters. In addition, I had to consider the development of letters in the Cyrillic, as well as the Latin alphabet, over the past period. Thus, I began to look at the appearance of slab-serif or serif fonts of that time. In general, as I gain more experience in developing fonts, I try to focus on the precision of the design for each font. In recent years, I specifically paid attention to this matter. YouTube channel and articles by Alexandra K.'s of ParaType, as well as, information and samples from TypeType and Fontfabric studios on the Cyrillic alphabet were quite useful. I gathered data regarding the Latin alphabet from various credible sources. I do not know if I could accomplish what I aimed at but I know one thing that I could develop the font. Maybe someday I'll have to revise this font. For now, I share it with you. I created the font in 10 styles. 7 weight from Thin to Extra Black, an Outline, Shadow, and Art Nouveau. The Art Nouveau style was inspired by the texture in the background used for the text on the building. The texture I applied to capital letters adds beauty to the font. If you like the font feel free to use it or simply let me know if your current alphabet doesn't support this font.
  23. Spills by Comicraft, $19.00
    The infield dirt is raked, the outfield grass is mowed and the baselines chalked. So grab a beer, smother a stadium dog with mustard and relish, take a seat on the bleachers and get ready -- that handsome devil SPILLS is back on the mound and ready for a comeback! It’s true, Manager [the person who coaches a baseball team is a ‘manager’ not a coach] John JG Roshell has coaxed the wily veteran out of retirement, and he’s returned to the field with the wisdom of extra years and the addition of five new pitches (fonts): Stadium, Dugout, Outfield, Infield, Pennant and Base. The stadium is packed to capacity and we're pretty sure the first time he’s at the plate, it’s gonna be strike-out city! [to continue the logic of the baseball pitching ace as font metaphor, the pitcher would hopefully prevent a home run not facilitate one.] See the families related to Spills: SpillProof .
  24. Hiragino Sans by SCREEN Graphic Solutions, $210.00
    Mindful that Hiragino Sans (Kaku Gothic) would be used in conjunction with Hiragino Serif (Mincho), SCREEN developed a font that anticipated today’s world where most people do their reading on displays and yet still has an orthodox letterform that does not blur when printed on paper. In short, our goal with this font was to create a new concept that responds to the demands of today’s times. This font offers weight variations from W0 to W9 and is extremely versatile. This makes it well-suited to all visual expression media including paper, metallic textures, resins, cloth, television, movies, broadcasting, websites, and electronic displays. One of the design’s strongpoints is that it elides serif on the right side of each stroke, thus delivering more spacious counters and a comfortable appearance. Thanks to this, the typeface not only delivers a contemporary, lively impression same as Latin sans serif typefaces, but also heightens the natural continuity and readability of text whether it is set vertically or horizontally. As a result, it makes it possible to bring a strong appealing power to text. Without a doubt, this is typeface that above else embodies the role of Sans Serif.
  25. Hiragino Sans Rounded by SCREEN Graphic Solutions, $210.00
    Hiragino Sans Rounded (Maru Gothic) is derived from the basic design of the Hiragino Sans (Kaku Gothic) with its wide counters and comfortable appearance. It features gentle typeface that provides graceful roundedness to the tips of all the strokes of a character. On the flip side of this gentle impression is the fact that every single element in the Hiragino Sans upon which this typeface is based has been carefully polished down in every respect in pursuit of an elegant roundness that makes it possible to handle carefully executed typesetting. That approach is clearly different from the general rounded typeface that makes full use of the body, and makes it possible to respond the requirement of professional typesetting. It is never-uninteresting design whose letterform is rooted in the traditions of traditional printing type. It is a font that of course can be used on its own and easily formatted just like Hiragino Sans while adding splendid coloring to the page. Furthermore, when used with other Hiragino fonts such as Hiragino Sans or Hiragino Serif (Mincho), the fact that all their designs are oriented on the same vector creates a multiplier effect. The user may be surprised at the sense of unity that cannot be experienced when combining it with other typefaces.
  26. The KR Hunnybee font, created by Kat Rakos, exudes a playful and charming aura that captures the essence of spontaneity and creativity. This font falls into the category of decorative or novelty type...
  27. KR Menagerie by Kat Rakos is a font that embodies a playful and whimsical spirit, evoking the charm and unpredictability of a lively menagerie. Designed with a creative and imaginative approach, this...
  28. The KR Chinese Zodiac font by Kat Rakos is a captivating and expressive display font that captures the essence of the Chinese Zodiac's symbolism through its intricate designs. Each character within t...
  29. The font "KR Trees" by Kat Rakos is a charming and inventive typeface that ventures beyond the conventional realm of typographic design. Rather than focusing on letters and numbers, this font embrace...
  30. Sure thing! Picture a font that captures the sweet and whimsical spirit of an all-American bakery, and you've got American Donuts by Kat Rakos. This font is like a delightful confection for your eyes...
  31. The font KR Trick Or Treat, crafted by the talented Kat Rakos, is a playful and inventive typeface that embodies the spirit of Halloween with an artistic flair. This font is characterized by its uniq...
  32. KR Katlings is an intriguing and whimsical font created by Kat Rakos. It embodies a playful and eccentric character, making it stand out in the world of typography. The unique design of KR Katlings s...
  33. The font "KR Star Struck" is an enchanting and playful typeface created by Kat Rakos. Its design seems to capture the whimsical essence of staring up at a starry night sky, filled with wonder and pos...
  34. The D3 Labyrinthism katakana font, created by Kat Rakos, stands as a unique and mesmerizing addition to the typographic landscape. Its design is heavily influenced by the intricate and complex pathwa...
  35. The KR Floral Color Me font by Kat Rakos is a delightful and artistically inspired typeface that stands out for its unique integration of floral motifs and playful aesthetics. This typeface is not ju...
  36. The KR Leafy font, created by the talented Kat Rakos, beautifully captures the essence of nature in its design, making it a distinctive choice for a wide array of creative projects. Its uniqueness li...
  37. KR YoYo is a unique and playful font created by Kat Rakos. Its whimsical design is characterized by exaggerated curves, loops, and twists that seem to dance along the baseline, giving it a lively and...
  38. KR Birdy is a delightful and engaging font created by the talented designer Kat Rakos. This unique typeface immediately captures the attention of its audience with its playful and whimsical character...
  39. The font KR Butterfly Two, created by the talented designer Kat Rakos, is a beautifully whimsical and distinctly decorative typeface. This font is part of a broader collection that showcases Rakos's ...
  40. The KR Strawberry font, designed by the talented Kat Rakos, exudes a delightful whimsy that captures the essence of childlike wonder and playfulness. At its core, it is a font that stands out for its...
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