2,007 search results (0.012 seconds)
  1. I am simplified - Unknown license
  2. I am Monotonous - Unknown license
  3. Sans I Am - 100% free
  4. I am simplified - Unknown license
  5. AM False Etruscan by Alberto Milli, $30.00
    I created this font following my love for Etruscans, their culture and their myths. Many times I looked for a false, but similar, Etruscan TrueType font on the Internet, but I didn't find it, so one day I decided to make it myself.
  6. Mo' Funky Fresh by ITC, $29.99
    Mo' Funky Fresh is the work of New York designer David Sagorski. It is an all capital typeface which includes a set of alternative capitals, compatible symbols and lively illustrations. Mo' Funky Fresh brings to mind sunny days, tiki bars, surfboards and cool drinks and is a great choice for headlines requiring a vital, energetic look.
  7. AM Sans One by URW Type Foundry, $39.99
    When designing AM Sans One, it was a great challenge for me to develop a modern sans serif, which despite the large number of existing fonts in this sector has its own unique character. Starting point for the design concept was the cap O, designed as a rectangle with rounded corners, and not as usual as a circle or oval. The O should form the basis for the whole alphabet. Another feature are the characters with oblique starting and end strokes such as "A, V, W". These have not exactly straight, diagonal lines, but have a slight curvature. Thus, these letters do not look too geometric. Also the cap K deviates slightly from the usual shape which makes AM Sans One different from other already existing fonts. I could well imagine applying this font for areas such as engineering or architecture.
  8. Hollywood Hills - Unknown license
  9. Parry Hotter - Unknown license
  10. The GodFather - Unknown license
  11. Bajoran - Unknown license
  12. Dream of me - Unknown license
  13. Swatch it - Unknown license
  14. FloydianCyr - Unknown license
  15. FederationClassicMovie - Unknown license
  16. CrackMan - Unknown license
  17. ActionIs - Unknown license
  18. Alpine 7558S - Unknown license
  19. Flintstone - Unknown license
  20. Pyrite - Unknown license
  21. Die Nasty - 100% free
  22. Drew - Unknown license
  23. Alpine 7558M - Unknown license
  24. Mael - Unknown license
  25. Miltown II - Unknown license
  26. SW Crawl Title - Unknown license
  27. Bedrock-Light - Unknown license
  28. Dummies - Unknown license
  29. Transylvania - Unknown license
  30. Romeo - Unknown license
  31. PacFont - Personal use only
  32. Minnie - Unknown license
  33. They Killed Kenny! - Unknown license
  34. Ame Chan Pop Maru by Norio Kanisawa, $40.00
    I make this font imaging rounded candy, this theme is cute and round but you can use scenes less often. Because the circle is interrupted in places such as voiced points and parts of kanji(chinese characters), it may be fun to look for it. It corresponds to Hiragana · Katakana · Alphabet · Numerals · Symbols · Kanji(chinese characters). You can also write vertically. You can use it easily, because it contains JIS first · second level, and IBM extended Kanji(about 6700chinese characters). This font is bold, recommended to use it for headlines and prominent places. It might be good for shop pop etc. Because it is soft, pop and cheerful impression, I recommend it for contents for children. About the name, I like Osaka, and I thought "This font's name that is loved by everyone", and since the sound is also cute, I attached the word "Amechan". I heard they called candy as "Amechan" in Osaka, and some madam in Osaka always have candy, and give it to people. I think this font gives happy feeling to you and people look it, like madam in Osaka gives "Amechan". <「あめちゃんポップ まる」紹介文> ころころ丸っこい飴玉をイメージして、「丸くてかわいいけどシーンをあまり選ばずに使えるフォント」をテーマに作りました。 濁点や漢字の一部など、所々に丸がまぎれてますので、探してみるのも楽しいかもしれません。 ひらがな・カタカナ・アルファベット・数字・記号類・漢字に対応。縦書きもできます。 漢字はJIS第一水準・第二水準・IBM拡張漢字(約6700文字)に対応しているので、使いやすいかと思います。 太めのフォントなので、見出しや目立つ場所に使うのがオススメです。お店のポップなどにもいいかもしれません。 柔らかくポップで元気な印象なので、子供向けのコンテンツにもオススメします。 名称については、大阪が好きなのと「皆に愛されるような名前を」と思って、響きも可愛いので「あめちゃん」という単語を名前につけました。 大阪では飴のことを「あめちゃん」と言うらしく、大阪のおばちゃんの中にはいつも飴を持っている方もいるそうで、色んな人にその飴をあげるそうです。 大阪のおばちゃんが「あめちゃん」をくれる時みたいに、使ったり見てくださる方の心があったかくなるようなフォントになればいいなぁ、と思います。 <スタイルカテゴリー> ファンシー、装飾
  35. Extra Crunchy by Bogstav, $18.00
    Extra Crunchy is my handwriting when I am eating cookies while drawing! No, it's true! I did eat a whole box of cookies while drawing this font! :) The letters are a bit jumpy, and have no steady x-height, however, your text may look a bit off, but it is clear and legible. Fits perfect for a children's book, a postcard/poster design or something else that needs that extra crunch :)
  36. logoskate - Unknown license
  37. Transformers - Unknown license
  38. Zombie - Unknown license
  39. NFL Saints - Unknown license
  40. adidas sport - Unknown license
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