53 search results (0.004 seconds)
  1. Ah, the elusive Font called Font, a font so enigmatic and self-referential it has become the meta of all typography. Picture, if you will, a typeface caught in an identity crisis, perpetually ponderi...
  2. Sure, let's dive into the delightful world of "Amurg" by Sabina Chipara, shall we? Imagine if the letters you type, instead of falling in line like good little soldiers, decided to throw a little soi...
  3. KR Wiccan Symbols by Kat Rakos is like the mystic cousin in the font family who turned the attic into a spell-casting room. Imagine if your keyboard was imbued with magic, and each keypress invoked a...
  4. Sure, imagine for a moment that the Shadowed Serif font by J. Fordyce attended a high school reunion. It would be the character that managed to age remarkably well, maintaining an elegant yet bold ap...
  5. Allow me to introduce you to the enchanting world of Dreamspeak, a font that could charm the socks off a centipede - not that they wear any, but let's not get bogged down by the details. Dreamspeak i...
  6. Certainly! Picture this: You're strolling through the whimsical alleyways of Typography Town, where the buildings stretch impossibly tall, framing the sky in slivers of blue. Suddenly, you stumble up...
  7. The font KR Trick Or Treat, crafted by the talented Kat Rakos, is a playful and inventive typeface that embodies the spirit of Halloween with an artistic flair. This font is characterized by its uniq...
  8. Moyenage by Storm Type Foundry, $55.00
    Blackletter typefaces follow certain fixed rules, both in respect to their forms and to the orthography. Possibly, they were a reaction to the half-developed Carolingian minuscule which was soon to end in the Latin script. Narrow, ordered script was to replace the round, hesitant and shattered shapes of letters in order to simplify writing, to unify the meaning of individual letters, and to save some parchment, too. Opposed to the practice common in monasterial scriptoriums where Uncial, Irish and Carolingian inspiration flew freely and as a result, the styles of writing differed in each monastery, the blackletter type was to define one, common standard. It was to express spiritual verticality, in perfect tune with the architecture of the Gothic era. Typography became an integral part of the overall style of the period. The pointed arch and the blackletter type were the vanguard of the spectacular transformation from the Middle Ages towards the modern era, they were a celebration of a time when works of art were not signed by their makers yet. Some unfortunate souls keep linking blackletter solely with Germany and the Third Reich, while the truth is that its direct predecessor, the Gothic minuscule, evolved mostly in France. Even Hitler himself indicated blackletter type obsolete in the age of steel, iron and concrete – thus making a significant contribution to the spreading of the Latin script in Germany. Once we leave our prejudice aside, we find that the shapes of blackletter type have exceptional potential, unheard of in sans-serif letterforms. The lower case letters fit into an imaginary rectangle which is easily extended both upwards and sideways. In its scope and in the name itself, the Moyenage type family project is to celebrate the diversity of the Middle Ages. I begun realizing the urge to design my own blackletter when visiting the beer gardens of Munich and while walking through the villages of rural Austria. The letters from the notice boards of inns are scented with spring air, with the flowers of cudweed, with white sausage and weissbier. The crooked calligraphic hooks and beaks seem to imitate the hearty yodeling of local drinkers and the rustle of the giant skirts of girls who distribute the giant wreaths of beer jugs. Moyenage is, however, a modern replica of blackletter, so it contains some otherwise unacceptable Latin script elements in upper case. I chose these keeping the modern reader in mind, striving for better legibility. The font is drawn as if written with a flat pen or brush, and with the ambition to, perhaps, serve as a calligraphic model. In medium width, the face is surprisingly well legible; it is perfect for menus as well as posters and CD covers for some of the heavier kinds of music. It has five types of numerals and also a set of Cyrillic script, symbolising the lovelorn union of Germans and Russians in the 20th century. Thus, it is well suited for the setting of bilingual texts of the German classic literature, which, according to the ancient rules, must not be set in Latin script.
  9. Ahoy, typography aficionados and design deckhands! Hoist the main sail and set course for the adventurous seas of fontography with the Captain Kidd Demo by The Scriptorium — a font so dashing and dar...
  10. The KG Shadow of the Night font, designed by Kimberly Geswein, stands as an emblem of creativity that gracefully bridges the gap between whimsical charm and gothic elegance. Kimberly Geswein, known f...
  11. Ah, EnglishTowne-Normal, the font that transports you back to a time when feather quills were the peak of writing technology, candlelight was the latest trend in ambient lighting, and sending a messa...
  12. Once upon a time in the digital kingdom, there was a font named Tempora LGC Uni, crafted by the master hands of Alexey Kryukov. This intrepid typeface embarked on a journey to unite the realms of let...
  13. "City Burn Night After Night and We Spraypaint the Walls" is not just a font; it's a declaration, an embodiment of the urban spirit captured in digital typography. Imagine walking through the heart o...
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