156 search results (0.006 seconds)
  1. Pacific Clipper SG by Spiece Graphics, $39.00
    Pacific Clipper has its roots in an old 1930s showcard lettering style. An extra bold version of this sign painter’s relic is shown in Carl Holmes' wonderful book on lettering. It may be described as what happens when Rudolf Koch's Kabel Heavy meets ATF's Novel Gothic. Also known as Sam’s Tune, Pacific Clipper’s noteworthy features include wedged crossbars in the capital A, E, F, and H. Overcurving is present in the capital B, D, P, and R while vertical strokes in the lowercase b, d, h, k, l, and t are chopped off obliquely. Figures in Pacific Clipper are also refreshingly different, particularly the number 4. This lettering favorite turned retro typeface has been extended to include a variety of weights. Pacific Clipper is now available in the OpenType format. Some new characters have been added to this OpenType version as Stylistic Alternates and Historical Forms. These advanced features work in current versions of Adobe Creative Suite InDesign, Creative Suite Illustrator, and Quark XPress. Check for OpenType advanced feature support in other applications as it gradually becomes available with upgrades.
  2. Brody by Linotype, $40.99
    Not to be confused with the prolific, 1980s British super-star graphic and type designer Neville Brody, this brush script typeface was designed in 1953 by the American type designer Harold Broderson. Broderson worked for ATF (the American Type Founders), who were the original publishers of this design. Body is a brush script face that mimics the show card style of lettering, which was very popular throughout the United States during the first half of the 20th Century. The letters appear as if they were drawn quickly and spontaneously with a wide, flat lettering brush. The lowercase letters connect to each other, cursive script style. Brody is the perfect display face to provoke a nostalgic feeling for the 1950s. Anything having to do with apple pie, home cooking, or last minute sales would look great in this face. You could outfit a whole supermarket signage system in a snap with Brody. If you need the original version with more lettered characters then Brophy Script is a good alternate,
  3. Bodoni Sans by J Foundry, $25.00
    Bodoni Sans is a new classic built on the foundation of two centuries of history. Fresh and contemporary, while feeling familiar. Stylish and sophisticated, confident and elegant. Bodoni Sans is more than just chopping off the serifs. The classical proportions of the capitals and x-heights were maintained, but the letterforms were rebalanced for use without serifs. Contemporary modifications were made to some widths, as well as an all new Light weight was created. High contrast is the key feature of Bodoni Sans. To maintain this contrast over a wide range of sizes, three optical sizes were drawn: Standard, Display and Text. Contrast adjustments were made for each optical size for optimal performance. The Standard was designed for the mid range of 12 to 60pt, Display for 48pt and above, and Text for 6 to 12pt. Web/Digital use was also considered while developing Bodoni Sans. The fonts were tested as web formats, and examined on a variety of screens, to ensure seamless use in both print and digital applications.
  4. Toboggan by Jeremy Nelson, $11.00
    TOBOGGAN | Utility Display Typeface Toboggan is a utility display typeface with classically influenced proportions, calligraphic elements, and sporting roots. With 9 weights, upright, and true italics, Toboggan comes in a total of 18 fonts. With flexibility from a crisp Thin weight to an imposing Super in both upright and italic, Toboggan thrives as a utility font spanning the columns of extended text, in artful editorial layouts, eye-catching motion graphics, or commanding headlines in a title role. First drafted around the frame of a perfect circle, Toboggan evolved by taking inspiration from the sweeping contours of the automotive world, expanding into wider proportions, and adopting an abrupt set of constructed features. Sturdy with the spirit of sport, Toboggan’s final form preserves a human connection through features of the written hand, while minimal contrast and its chopped terminals bring a decisive tone with clinical precision. Features: - Nine weights and true Italics - Multilingual support (Extended Latin - Includes Western European coverage and more) - OpenType features including small-caps, stylistic sets, contextual punctuation & more - Extensive numeral sets including stylistic sets, circled, and squared numbers
  5. Mr Foodie by Hipopotam Studio, $30.00
    Mr Foodie is a set of 825 icons divided into 7 groups – 109 fruit icons, 157 kitchen icons, 120 animal products icons, 100 veggie icons, 107 desserts icons, 127 beverages icons, and 105 other food related icons. You can find a full, multi-color list of every icon with its name and corresponding character on a dedicated website or in a pdf manual. It’s a multilayer font so every group consists of 4 fonts – Regular, Back, Front, and 3rd Color. The Regular style is for single color use only and the Back, Front, and 3rd Color styles are necessary if you want to achieve a multicolor effect. Position three identical text boxes exactly on top of each other, apply layer font styles, and choose whatever colors you like. You’ll quickly discover that some icons don’t have 3rd Color style. This is not a mistake – a lot of things look good with just two colors. Use it to make logos, illustrations, games, app icons, t-shirts, mugs, cooking books, restaurant menus, interior decorations, invitations, balloons, and any other project where fine crafted food drawing is needed.
  6. VLNL Tp Kurier by VetteLetters, $35.00
    VetteLetters is proud to bring you the TpKurier-family. It is cooked up by our German chef Martin Lorenz currently living in lovely Barcelona! Chef Lorenz about the TpKurier recipe: “TpKurier is the second redesign we did of Courier. The first redesign in 2000, although based on a five-unit grid, was drawn completely by hand. Six years later we designed another grid version of Courier, and the TpKurier family was born. This version is completely constructed up till its last detail. We didn't want to correct ‘mistakes’ deriving from the use of the grid, but instead make them visible (see “S”). TpKurier is based on a very simple grid, composed a proportion of four units high by two units wide. A series of other links between them make it possible to form a font from this grid. We felt it was important to consistently work within these limitations so that any unexpected asperities would help provide the font with its character. Even though it is a rough constructed typeface it was important to us to design real italic lower case letters and not just a sloped roman (see “a”, “g” or “s”). The first family published contained a serif and sans-serif version of the TpKurier, with italic and bold.”
  7. Agatized Informal by ULGA Type, $26.00
    Agatized Informal is a rough-edged stencil typeface with chunky letterforms and tight spacing. Designed primarily for display use, it’s ideal for posters, logos, advertising, book cover designs or small chunks of text such as pull-out quotes. The design is something of an enigma, a curious mish-mash of genres – imagine splicing Uncle Buck and Deadpool into a horror movie – it’s big, bold and funny although has a dark side. But what really makes this typeface a joy to drive is its boot full of alternative characters and ligatures. There is a saying: Use sparingly. Not on this street! Make your Glyphs palette burn rubber. Set your OpenType to full throttle: crank up your style and get those liga-tyres screeching. Agatized is a souped-up old campervan spinning doughnuts on the beach. The design started life as a piece of lettering for a book design that didn’t progress past the sketch stage. I liked the rough, dense character shapes, so during some down time I started drawing more characters and the lure of a new typeface pulled me in from there. Although this is a single-weight typeface it has a younger sibling, Agatized Formal, a neater, more dapper brother, smoother round the chops and smartly dressed – certainly no less fun though.
  8. Hand Scribble Sketch Times by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
    CHARACTERISTICS A state-of-the-art OpenType-Feature (like Contextual Alternates (calt) and Stylistic Alternates (salt)) of “Hand Scribble Sketch Times” is, that each uppercase and each lowercase letter has automatically alternated two variations to bring humanly-random characteristics of handwriting to life. The cha­rac­ter of the rough, ruggend and raw hand­written classic serif type­face is a very uni­que warmly atmosphere. An pro-version of the font “Hand TIMES”. APPLICATION AREA warmth, love, handmade. For support of human warmth. Of cooking recipes, menus in the restaurant across party flyer, music cover Art to logo (word marks), headings in magazines and websites. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ? Font Name: Hand Scribble Sketch Times ? Font Weights: Regu­lar, Rough, Invert ? Font Cate­gory: Grunge Serif Dis­play for Head­line Size ? Font For­mat: OTF (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) ? Glyph cover­age: 601 ? Lan­guage Sup­port: Basic Latin/English let­ters, Cen­tral Europe, West Euro­pean diacri­tics, Bal­tic, Roma­nian, Tur­kish ? Spe­cials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, Standard & Discretionary Ligatures, extras like sym­bols, ding­bats, Old-style Digits, Lining Figures, accents & €, incl. OpenType-Features like Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt), Glyph Composition/Decomposition (ccmp), Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures (dlig), Kerning (kern), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Nume­ra­tors (onum), Ordi­nals (ordn), Sty­listic Alter­na­tes (salt), Stylistic Set 01 (ss01), Stylistic Set 02 (ss02), Stylistic Set 03 (ss03), Slas­hed Zero (zero), Lining Figures (lnum), Tabular Figures (tnum), Old Style Figures (onum), Proportional Figures (pnum) ? Design Date: 2013 ? Type Desi­gner: Manuel Vier­gutz
  9. Bruschetta by Canada Type, $24.95
    The problem with scripts in general, and brush scripts in particular, is that the majority of them cannot be set in all-caps words or sentences. So as a rule of thumb most designers try to avoid brush scripts when they know they will be entering an all-cap zone. But here comes Bruschetta, so you won’t need to reduce your design options. Bruschetta is a great flowing brush script that can be attractively used in upper-lower, lower-lower, or upper-upper settings. Bruschetta also has so much variety in its design features – original, funny, natural, friendly, legible, and even somewhat psychedelic – it just may be the most versatile brush script ever made. Bruschetta also has an historical value as the revival of the Helmut Matheis’ Contact design from 1963. Why it hasn’t been digitized until this point is beyond us! So we digitized it from original specimen, expanded the character set to completion, and even added a few built-in alternates. Bruschetta’s versatility allows it to be used in a variety of applications. It is great for signage, posters, product labels, menus, book covers, and pretty much anywhere where a friendly bold brush type is needed. Get yourself a copy and show your friends and clients why the overused Choc and Cooper aren’t the last word in cool!
  10. Artis Sans by Wiescher Design, $30.00
    »Artis« is the name for my latest art-project-font. Obviously I just chopped off the last »t«. Then I looked it up on Wikipedia and what do you know, it is of latin descent. »Ars Gratia Artis« which means »art for arts sake« or in French »l’art pour l’art«, a perfect font name. If I would cut off the »s« as well it would mean disambiguation and that in turn is, what I just did here. Enough disambiguation! »Artis« is a modern classical beauty with extreme contrast between up- and downstrokes that make it unique with a touch of art deco and showing Renaissance roots. But – »Artis« is a twin-font that has an elegantly decorated twin sister »Artis-Swing«. Between the 2 fonts you have endless possibilities for combination. I love these twins! It is a great everyday workhorse with seven weights from ExtraLight to Bold and all the necessary weights in between. Great for short copy and elegant headlines! With 879 Glyphs it is a truly European font designed for all Central European and Latin using countries. »Artis« has a set of Cyrillic that is – besides Russia – also good for Serbia, Macedonia and Ukraine. It has oldstyle- and lining-, tabular- and tabular-oldstyle-figures and many ligatures. »Artis« comes in Sans and Swing and is an elegant, playful and friendly font. Enjoy!
  11. TT Tunnels by TypeType, $29.00
    TT Tunnels useful links: Specimen | Graphic presentation | Customization options TT Tunnels is a modular font family with narrow proportions and a large number of pronounced visual compensators. In the basic version of the typeface, all glyphs have simple chopped shapes, created according to the usual geometric principles. In the alternative version of TT Tunnels, which becomes available when you turn on OpenType feature stylistic alternates or stylistic set 1, the typeface comes to life and turns into a stylized ductal gothic grotesque, in which the design of glyph forms is created based on the pen movements. Despite the fact that TT Tunnels was created as a display typeface for use in short inscriptions and titles, it works very interestingly in the body text, adding a small touch of archaics. This is especially evident in the Bold and Black faces, when the rhythm and thickness of the strokes create a dense set, covering the paper with a solid, dense pattern. The density and style of such a set conceptually refers us to the old Gothic texture and the Old Slavonic script. In addition to a larger number of alternates for lowercase letters, the typeface features an alternate for number 2, an alternate slashed zero, many ligatures, and other useful OpenType features (ordn, frac, sinf, sups, numr, dnom, case, tnum, onum, pnum, liga, salt, ss01, zero). The TT Tunnels includes five faces: Thin, Light, Regular, Bold, Black.
  12. Edison by HiH, $12.00
    Edison, is it Victorian or is it Art Nouveau? While this typeface may be found in Petzendorfer’s Treasury of Art Nouveau Alphabets, I believe the decorative spirals are more Victorian than “New Art.” To me, they looked tacked on, rather than organic -- with the industrial mechanics of a coiled spring, rather than the tendrils of a growing plant as the philosophical wellspring. Originally released by ATF in 1894 as Houghton, this typeface was re-released shortly thereafter by Bauer and Berthold in Germany as EDISON. Please do not make the mistake of thinking the font we offer here is no better than freeware fonts in cheap rip-off collections. This font has a set 218 characters and represents many hours manipulating the bezier curves to produce acceptable results. Available freeware fonts are often little more than raw scans with little accuracy of letterform. The muddy line intersections are a dead give-away. Frequently all you get is the alphabet itself. No numbers, no punctuation and don't even think about diacriticals. The font we offer represents a tremendous value. Considering the hours of work involved, I have no business charging so little. I could make better money cooking hamburgers or bagging groceries. But we want very much to encourage you to purchase and enjoy these fascinating historical typefaces and are making it as easy as possible for you to do so. So please encourage us and order Edison today.
  13. P22 Klauss Kursiv by IHOF, $29.95
    P22 Klauss Kursiv is the first ever digital revival and expansion of the last face Karl Klauß designed for the Genzsch & Heyse foundry in Stuttgart before he died in 1956. Karl Klauß’s classical training in the graphic arts gave him solid chops to use as a springboard for design ideas that remained relevant among the countless trends fleeting around the turmoil of two world wars. By the mid-1950s, a kind of ornamental deco aesthetic was well on its way into mainstream design in post-war Europe, and demand was high for unique, lively and non-minimal ad faces. Klauß, a reliable designer with a proven track record of calligraphic faces, pushed the envelope on his own calligraphy and designed something that packages elegance in a boldness seldom seen before in luxury scripts. Quite a bit of talent is on display in Klauss Kursiv. In spite of the restraint this kind of design imposes on itself almost by default, the interplay between thick and thin never seems forced or challenging. Clear, natural strokes build a compact alphabet that demonstrates the wrist control of a veteran calligrapher. Creative nib angling segues into very clever start-and-stop constructs to make attractive forms that work quite well together, yet stand well to individual scrutiny. P22 Klauss Kursiv comes with a load of built-in alternates and ligatures in a font of over 470 glyphs, providing extended support for Latin languages.
  14. !Disc Inferno® BASIC - Unknown license
  15. Mojacalo AH - Unknown license
  16. Tchig Mono by Eclectotype, $30.00
    This is Tchig Mono, a monospaced type family that doesn't take itself too seriously. Why make a monospaced font? For coding, sure, but display? It’s my humble opinion that it’s the aesthetic choices driven by the constraints of the monospaced environment that makes them attractive. It’s a challenge for the type designer to squash and expand glyphs into a rigid bounding box, and the more unorthodox shapes that spring from this have a feel about them which lends them to postmodernist layouts and hipsterish anti-design. And the payoff for the type designer - no kerning! Yay. So what’s different about Tchig? Like I said before, it doesn't take itself too seriously. Even the name Tchig is just a stupid, fun sound (although it does show off that nice g!). There are a selection of playful alternates that give text a slightly alien feel. Stylistic set 1 chops off ascenders and descenders of lowercase letters, giving it a kind of small caps meets unicase feel (it is also accessible using the small caps feature). The other sets (or stylistic alternates if you don't have access to stylistic sets) make certain letters more twirly, more square, more “experimental”. Automatic fractions use a half-width numerator and denominator so fractions like one half and five eighths have the same width as figures (and every other glyph). There you go then - a monospaced type family not initially intended for use in the usual ways monospaced families are intended to be used. Give it a try. You could even do some coding with it if you like.
  17. Coming Together by Font Aid, $20.00
    Coming Together contains over 400 glyphs and is supplied as a single, cross-platform OpenType font. All glyphs are accessible using OpenType-savvy applications, Unicode-savvy utilities, the Character Map utility on Windows, and FontBook on Mac OS X. Nearly 400 designers contributed to “Coming Together”: Adam Humphries, Aditi Dilip, Adrien Midzic, Afraa Gutub, Al Insan Lashley, Alan Lima Coutinho, Alaric Garnier, Alejandro Cabrera Avila, Alejandro Lo Celso, Alejandro Paul, Alessandro Segalini, Alex Cameron, Alex Coblentz, Alexander Trubin, Alexandre Freitas, Alexey Murashko, Alicia Jabin, Aline Horta, Allison Dominguez, Amanda Postle, Amy Brown, Amy Papaelias, Anderson Maschio, Andrea Emery, Andres Perez, Andrew Boardman, Andrew Jesernig, Andrey Furlan, Andrij Shevchenko, Ann Tripepi, Antonio Gutierrez, Antony Kitson, Anushree Kapoor, Anya Cam, AP303 Estudio Design, Becky Krohe, Beejay, Ben Mitchell, Benjamin K. Shown, Benjamin Varin, Brad McNally, Brad Nelson, Bradley Trinnaman, Brady Baltezore, Brandon Horne, Breck Campbell, Brian J. Bonislawsky, Brian Jaramillo, Brian Jongseong Park, Brian Mueller, Brock French, Bruce Rodgers, Bruno Pugens, Bryan Angelo Lim, Buro Reng, Caitlin Martin-Frost, Calou, Carlos Fabián Camargo Guerrero, Carlos Vidal, Cayo Navarro, Cesar Puertas, Chank Diesel, Charles Williams, Chris Lozos, Chris Trude, Christophe Badani, Christy Lai, Claes Källarsson, Claire Coullon, Claudio Piccinini, Colby Cook, Craig Eliason, Cristina Pegnataro, Curve Doctor, Dan DiSorbo, Dan Liggins, Dan Rubin, Daniel Justi, Daniele Capo, Dav(id Hubner), Dave Bailey, Dave Cohen, David Jonathan Ross, David Sudweeks, David Thometz, Dawn Mercurio, Delve Withrington, Diana van de Blaak, Didier Mazellier, Diederik Corvers, Dino Santos, Dmytro Pobiedash, Donald Beekman, Dries Wiewauters, Duncan Bancroft, Ed Hoskin, Eddy Ymeri, Edineide Oliveira, Eduardo Manso, Eduardo Rodríguez Tunni, Eero Antturi, Eli Castellanos, Elias Bitencourt, Elias Stenalt Werner, Elman Padilla, Emery Miller, Emily Leong, Emily Maher, Enrico Limcaco, Eric Frisino, Eric Stine, Erik Brandt, Espen, Evan Moss, Evangeline Rupert, Fabiane Lima, Fabio Foncati, Fabrizio Schiavi, Farbod Kokabi, Felipe Lekich, Francisco Martin, Frank Riccio, Frans van Bellen, Gary Holmes, Gautam Rao, Gayle Hendricks, Gene Buban, Georg Herold-Wildfellner, George Aytoun, Gerd Wiescher, Giles Edwards, Gist Studio, Glen Barry, Glenn Parsons, Goro Mihok, Grace Engels, Grant Alexander, Grant Hutchinson, Greg Smith, Gunnar Swanson, Gustavo Machado, Hans Nieuwstraten, Harold Lohner, Hilary Salmon, Hillary Fayle, Hrant H Papazian, Hugo Gallipoli, Ian Drolet, Ian Lynam, Ilona Kincses, Isac Corrêa Rodrigues, Ivette Chacon, Ivo Federspiel, Jacques Le Bailly, Jae-hyoung Choi, Jaime Vasquez, James Edmondson, James Grieshaber, James L. Stirling, James Lukens-Gable, James Martin, James Ockelford, James Puckett, Jarbas Gomes, Jarett Knuth, Jason Adam, Jason Robinson, Javier Suzuki, Jay Chu, Jayson Zaleski, Jean Francois Porchez, Jeff Fisher, Jeff Jarvis, Jeffrey Vanlerberghe, Jelmar Geertsma, Jennifer Clarke, Jennifer Rutherford, Jens Kutilek, Jerry Allen Rose, Jess Latham, Jesse Ragan, Jessica Page, Jesvin Yeo Puay Hwa, Jim Ford, Jim Lyles, Jim Rimmer, Jin Ping, Jo De Baerdemaeker, Joachim Muller-Lance, Joanna Abbott Moss, Joe Francis, Joe VanDerBos, Joel Vilas Boas (J85), John Downer, John Flanagan, John Foley, John Langdon, John Lopez, John Lyttle, John Skelton, Johnny Dib, Jonathan Hughes, Jonathan Pierini, Jos Buivenga, Jose Luis Coyotl Mixcoatl, Juan Acosta, Judd Crush, Judith Lee, Julie Johnson, Julie Oakley, Julie Thomas, Juliet Shen, Jumin Lee, Jurgen Weltin, Justin Callahan, Justin Chodzko, Karel Piska, Karen MacKay, Karin Eberhardt, Karin van Soest, Karla Perez, Katie Parry, Katie Snape, Katri Haycock, Katy Brooks, Kelley Garrard, Kelly Redling, Kent Lew, Kevin D’Souza, Kevin J. Boynton, Kevin McDermott, Kim Arispe, Kokin, Kristen Caston, Kristen Hartman, Kristian Möller, Kristians Šics, Kyle Jones, L Bollinger, Lan Huang, Larry Van Dyke, Laura Ricker, Laura Worthington, Laurel Wilson, LeAndrea James, Lijklema Design, Linda McNeil, Lise Barreto, Louie Crumbley, Louis Duchesne, Luke Dorny, Luke Stouffer, Madison Cramer, Måns Björkman, Marc Salinas Claret, Marcus Leis Allion, Marcus Parker, Marcus Sterz, Marie-Anne Verougstraete, Mark Simonson, Martin Majoor, Matheus Barbosa, Mathias Forslund, Matt Desmond, Matt McInerney, Matt Millette, Matthew Jerauld, Max Kisman, Michael Browers, Michael Bundscherer, Michael Cina, Michael Doret, Michael G. Adkins, Michael Hernan, Michael Paul Young, Michael Wallner, Miguel Catopodis, Mikael Engblom, Mike Jarboe, Mike Petschek, Miriam Martincic, Moira Sheehan, Monica Pedrique, Nacho Gallego, Naomi Atkinson, Natanael Gama, Nathanael Ng, Neil Fox, Neil Patel, Neil Summerour, Neil Woodyatt, Ngoc Ngo, Nguyen Pham, Nicholas Curtis, Nicole Hudson, Nicole Sowinski, Nicolien van der Keur, Nina Stössinger, Noah Scalin, Ojasvi Mohanty, Oleg Macujev, Olivia Choi, Ong Fang Zheng, Pata Macedo, Patrick Gallagher, Patrycja Zywert, Paul Hunt, Paul Langman, Pedro Moura, Pedro Paz, Per Ohlsson, PJ Onori, Premm Design Ltd, Rae Kaiser, Rafael Carozzi, Rafael Cordeiro, Rafael Neder, Randy Jones, Ray Larabie, Raymond Forbes, Ressa McCray, Ricardo Esteves, Ricardo Martins, Riccardo Sartori, Richard Kegler, Richard Miller, Rob Keller, Roballo, Rose Coplon, Roy Rub, Rudo van der Velden, Russell McGorman, Ryan Rushing, Ryan Thorpe, Sander Neijnens, Sara Cross, Scott Boms, Scott Fisk, Sergio Jimenez, Shi-Min Chin, Sílvio Gabriel Spannenberg, Soohyen Park, Sorin Bechira, Stanley Friesesk, Stefan Hattenbach, Stefan Kjartansson, Stephen Lay, Steve Harrison, Steve Marsh, Steve Matteson, Steve Mehallo, Steve Zelle, Steven Bonner, Steven Wulf, Stuart Brown, Stuart Ford, Stuart Sandler, Sue Zafarana, Sulekha Rajkumar, Susan Surface, Tanya T Stroh, Taylor Loman, Ted Ullrich, Teja Ideja, Tena Letica, Terrance Weinzierl, Theo França, Thiago Martins, Tiffany Wardle, Tim Whalen, Titus Nemeth, Tom Plate, Tom Rickner, Tomato Košir, Tomi Haaparanta, Travis Kochel, Troy Leinster, Tyler Heron, Type Mafia, Vanessa Robertson, Veronika Burian, Victor Esteves, Victor Zuniga, Viktor Nübel, Viviana G, Wellinton Reis, Wilson Thomas, Wolfgang Homola, Xavier Dupre, Xerxes Irani, Zvika Rosenberg These designers represented the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, El Salvador, England, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Siberia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ukraine, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam
  18. The font Wonton emerges as a distinct and captivating typeface, infusing an eclectic mix of modernity and tradition into the world of typography. Its design is notably inspired by the hand-lettering ...
  19. Edo Pro by CheapProFonts, $10.00
    A free-flowing brush script with only uppercase letters. Now with a professional and multilingual character set! Vic Fieger says: "The letters in Edo were hand-drawn using a thick black permanent marker with a flat head. The head was chopped up using a box cutter to create a "brush" effect. The entire font was made while watching Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Edo has been used by video game-makers UbiSoft in their game adaptation of the 2007 animated film Surf's Up, as well as ads for the Fuse 2006 Warped Tour. More recently, it has turned up in such places as the cover for the US release of the manga Teru Teru x Shonen, and the logo for A&E's program, "The Cleaner." ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support: They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh. They also contain all glyphs in the Latin Extended-A Unicode block (which among others cover the Central European and Baltic areas) supporting: Afrikaans, Belarusian (Lacinka), Bosnian, Catalan, Chichewa, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Kashubian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Maori, Polish, Saami (Inari), Saami (North), Serbian (latin), Slovak(ian), Slovene, Sorbian (Lower), Sorbian (Upper), Turkish and Turkmen. And they of course contain all the usual "western" glyphs supporting: Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galican, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Northern Sotho, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami (Lule), Sami (South), Scots (Gaelic), Spanish, Swedish, Tswana, Walloon and Yapese.
  20. Envelove by Sudtipos, $39.00
    «Envelove» is the brand new typographic challenge handwritten by Yani Arabena and designed along with Guille Vizzari and Ale Paul, for Sudtipos. It all started as a game for Yani. A carefree and spontaneous calligraphy, making use of the pointed nib with black ink, exploring its expressive possibilities pressing against paper. With time that nib turned into her dearest tool to flow through her writing, breeding this particular style of hers that let her trespass the barrier that kept personal and professional passions apart. All that inspiration is present in «Envelove», a play on words that reflects the love of letters. An expressive free-and-easy typeface that follows no formal calligraphic model and lets itself go with the meaning of words, rhythm and sensations. «Envelove» successfully joins three different fonts, «Envelove Script»—free, spontaneous and unique of its kind—going together with «Envelove Caps»—an uppercase style that builds controlled but dynamic words thanks to its alternates and ligatures, and to its own true Small Caps set as well—and «Envelove Icons», ideal to decorate and bring to life any written message. «Envelove» encourages you to write as if you have a nib, ink and an envelope. It invites you to take part in other worlds like a magic cocktail, a summer night, a long-awaited reunion, a first dance, a dish cooked with your own hands. The fashion world, gourmet, stationery, scrapbooking and everyone where a Handmade or Handcrafted feel is craved for, save a special place for «Envelove». (The illustration series that are shown with «Envelove» were made by the incredible Argentine illustrator Eugenia Mello.)
  21. The Slim Chef font by Juan Casco is a whimsical and charming typeface that exudes creativity and playfulness, tailor-made for those projects that require a dose of light-heartedness and a sprinkle of...
  22. FS Jack by Fontsmith, $80.00
    a, g, k and y It was a forensic examination by Jason Smith of his existing designs that laid the groundwork for FS Jack. Jason made a list of unique characteristics that would give the sans serif font its typographic thumbprint, which included an unusually large x-height and slightly off-the-wall letters like the lower-case “a”, “g”, “k” and “y”. “I wanted to make something that was slightly uncomfortable,” says Jason, “and in doing so simplify the quirkiness down to a few letters.” Fernando Mello did “the rest of the cooking”, filling the design out and making the additional weights. Tipos Latinos Upon its release in 2010, FS Jack was submitted by Fernando, who is Brazilian, for the esteemed type design biennial, Tipos Latinos, where it was selected as a winner in the Families category. It went on to be selected for type exhibitions throughout Latin America and around the world. “FS Jack is a workhorse,” says Fernando, “but also very ownable and distinctive, and available in a good range of weights, crafted by Jason and I.” Corporate “FS Jack took a couple of years to get noticed and is still fairly underused,” says Jason, “which is good in a way, for our Brandfont clients that have adopted it.” FS Jack was chosen as the signature font for The Shard in London, from its signage down to business cards. Fontsmith also worked with Lloyds Bank to customise FS Jack into a bespoke font for the bank’s updated brand identity – part of Fontsmith’s Brandfont service, which you can read about here. Fat Jack Included in the FS Jack family – just – is FS Jack Poster, the super-heavy weight of the range. “That was a last minute addition,” says Fernando, “after Jason and I started talking about how much we liked Gill KO, a typeface that is almost comically fat.”
  23. Leifa by Identity Letters, $39.00
    A flare-serif socialite. Elegant and affable at once. Leifa is a flare-serif typeface that strikes a balance between elegant and affable. It’s pleasant to read in text sizes yet takes center stage in headlines and display applications. With its higher-than-usual contrast, Leifa might evoke Didone typefaces at first. However, it differs from strictly Didone designs in the details: flattened serifs and deeply incised, tapered spurs provide an organic effect. These humanist elements are restrained and almost inconspicuous in body copy. It’s in display sizes that they realize their full potential. Set your message in Leifa, set it large, and it will get noticed. A true socialite, Leifa is a most welcome guest on any party. With its dual character and a range of weights that allow for fine-tuning the desired visual voice, it’s a brilliant choice for branding and editorial design. Its good-natured yet sophisticated character makes Leifa the perfect typeface for fashion, sports, lifestyle, social media, food and cooking, health, beauty, architecture, interior design, art, literature, theater, and travel. (And any other topic that you’d love to talk about at a dinner in good company.) The entire font family consists of eight weights. Each comes with an italic counterpart, totaling 16 styles. Leifa’s italics are oblique, optically corrected versions of the upright styles. Each style comprises a character set of 883 glyphs that includes small caps, a set of ligatures, tabular and old-style figures, case-sensitive forms, fractions, symbols, and many other features. Four stylistic sets allow you to adjust the appearance of the Leifa fonts: a single-story a (SS01), a simple f (SS02), a triple-story g (SS03), and thin punctuation marks (SS04) are at your disposal. If you’re looking for a typeface with some debonair spirit, look no further than Leifa.
  24. Minotte by Park Street Studio, $35.00
    Originally conceived while sketching outline typefaces for a client, Minotte Pro has blossomed into a font one thousand glyphs strong and is chock full of alternates and contextual swashes! By enabling swashes, style sets, and contextual alternates in your OpenType savvy application, headlines and text set with Minotte Pro will transform into unique combinations of initial, middle and final swash forms! There’s also an alternate Cap set with a partial fill for even greater variety! Perfect for travel ad headlines, Minotte Pro adds a light, carefree touch. If your app doesn't support OpenType, then check out the split out versions, Minotte, Minotte Swash, Minotte Fil and Minotte Swash Fil. Minotte Pro Minotte Solid Pro contain these OpenType features: Contextual Swashes, Stylistic Alternates, Standard & Discretionary Ligatures, 6 Style Sets, Superiors & Inferiors, Fractions and Ornaments. The Minotte Extras Pro Pak includes three chromatic effects fonts, Minotte Center, Minotte Gradient and Minotte Shadow. These Extras fonts are intended to be used with Minotte Pro and Minotte Solid Pro, allowing colorizing and 3-D shadow effects. There are numerous combinations when using all three together! The three Extras fonts support the entire Pro character set and all OpenType features! Intended for users that do not own or use OpenType savvy apps, the four alternative fonts capture the best of the Pro version and will provide you with the glyphs needed to duplicate some of Minotte Pro’s typographic richness. Minotte and Minotte Fil are fully usable, whereas the Minotte Swash and Minotte Swash Fil are intended to work in tandem with the basic Minotte fonts. Set your headlines and text in Minotte, then switch to Minotte Swash and manually select the appropriate swash glyphs. Switch to either of the Fil fonts for full sets of Cap alternates sporting a partial fill. Minotte Pro, Minotte, Minotte Fil, Minotte Swash and Minotte Swash Fil support an extended European character set.
  25. Autoradiographic by Typodermic, $11.95
    Ahoy there, folks! Have we got a typeface for you! It’s called Autoradiographic, and it’s inspired by those trusty old warning signs from back in the day. You know the ones…“Inflammable! Stay away!” And boy oh boy, does it have personality! Back in the post-WWII era, low waistlines were all the rage—but let me tell you, strict waistline alignment was not. No, sir! That’s where Autoradiographic comes in. It’s informational, sure, but it’s also neat as a pin and chock full of personality. And listen to this—Autoradiographic has everything you need to crunch those numbers like a pro. Mathematical symbols? Check. Fractions? Check. Currency symbols? Check, check, and check. And for those times when you really want to make an impact, Autoradiographic’s italics are narrow and loosely spaced. Now that’s what I call a typeface with some serious sass! So what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of Autoradiographic today—it comes in five weights and italics, so you’re sure to find just the right fit for your project. Don’t miss out on the chance to add some mid-century flair to your work—you won’t regret it! Most Latin-based European, and some Cyrillic-based writing systems are supported, including the following languages. A Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Komi-Permyak, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Macedonian, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Māori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Russian, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  26. !CRASS ROOTS OFL - Unknown license
  27. Rezak by TypeTogether, $36.00
    Nothing is hidden in the simplistic forms and overt aesthetic of Anya Danilova’s Rezak font family. Rezak is not a type family directly from the digital world, but was inspired by the stout presence of cutting letters out of tangible material: paper, stone, and wood. With only a few cuts, the shapes remain dark and simple. With more cuts, the shapes become lighter and more defined, resulting in a dynamic type family not stuck within one specific category. The Black and medium weights began as one approach before separating into display and text categories. The four text weights were created through pendulum swings in design direction that experimented with contrast, angles, tangent redirections, and the amount of anomalies allowed. The text weights are vocal when set larger than ten points and subtle at smaller sizes. The tech-heavy Incised display style came last, employing a surprising range of trigonometric functions to make it behave exactly as desired. Its look can result in something distinctive and emotional or completely over-the-top. Most normal typefaces change only in thickness; Rezak changes in intention, highlighting the relationship between dark and light, presence and absence, what’s removed and what remains. Rezak’s Black and Incised display styles are like a shaft of light in reverse and are perfect in situations of impact: websites, headlines and large text, gaming, call-outs, posters, and packaging. The tone works for something from youthful or craft-oriented to organic and natural products. Try these two in logotypes, complex print layering, branding, and words-as-pattern for greater experimentation. The text styles are bold, energetic, well informed, and round out the family with four weights (Regular, Semibold, Bold, Extrabold) and matching italics for a family grand total of ten. These jaunty styles work well in children’s books, call-outs, movie titles, and subheads for myriad subjects such as architecture, coffee, nature, cooking, and other rough-and-tumble purposes. Rezak’s crunchy letters are meant to expose rough, daring, or dramatic text. A further benefit is that this family is not sequestered within one specific genre or script, so it can be easily interpreted for other scripts, such as its current Latin and extended Cyrillic which supports such neglected languages as Abkhaz, Itelmen, and Koryak. Rezak’s push toward creativity and innovation, with an eye on typography’s rich history, reinforces our foundry’s mission to publish invigorating forms at the highest function and widest applicability.
  28. Steak by Sudtipos, $59.00
    Here I am, once again digging up 60-year sign lettering and trying to reconcile it with the typography of my own time. The truth is I've had this particular Alf Becker alphabet in my sights for a few years now. But in the typical way chaos shuffles the days, Buffet Script and Whomp won the battle for my attentions way back when, then Storefront beat the odds by a nose a couple of years ago. Nevertheless, revisiting Alf Becker’s work is always a breath of fresh air for me, not to mention the ego boost I get from confirming that I can still hack my way through the challenges, which is something I think people ask themselves about more often as they get older. You can never tell what may influence your work, or in this case remind you to dig it out of dust drawers and finally mould it into one of your own experiences. On my recent visits to the States and Canada, I noticed that quite a few high-end steak houses try their best to recreate an urban American 1930s atmosphere. This is quite evident in their menus, wall art, lighting, music, and so on. The ambience says your money is well spent here, because your food was originally choice-cut by a butcher who wears a suit, cooked by a chef who may be your neighbour 20 minutes from downtown, and delivered by a waitress who can do the Charleston when the lights dim and who just wouldn't mind laughing with you over drinks at the bar later. So Steak is just that, a face for menus and wall art in those places that see themselves in the kind of jazzy, noirish world where one-liners rule and exclamation points are part of a foreign language. As is usual with my lettering-inspired faces, there is very little left of the original Alf Becker alphabet. Of course, the challenges present in bringing typographic functionality to what is essentially pure hand lettering gives the spirit of the original art a hell of a rollercoaster ride. But I think that spirit survived the adventure, and may in fact be even somewhat magnified here. This font is over 850 glyphs. It’s loaded with ligatures, swashes, ending forms, alternates, ascender and descender variations, and extended Latin language support. Steak comes in 3 versions. According to your taste you can choose Barbecue, Braised or Smoked. It’s up to you!
  29. FS Brabo Paneuropean by Fontsmith, $90.00
    Worldly Even though it’s a new arrival, FS Brabo has seen the world. Designed by a Brazilian working in London and studying in Belgium under a Dutchman, it’s certainly well-travelled. And it was inspired by the extraordinary archive of early book typefaces at the world-renowned Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp, while Fernando Mello was attending Frank Blokland’s Expert class Type Design course at the Plantin Institute of Typography. It was there that Fernando became engrossed in the collection of early metal type, matrices, punches and type samples by figures such as Garamond and Granjon. So much so that he took on the mighty task of developing ‘a beautiful, functional, serifed text font’ of his own. Heroic FS Brabo’s journey from sketch to font family took an epic three years, starting in Antwerp, continuing at Fontsmith in London, and reaching its conclusion back in Fernando’s home city of São Paulo. No wonder Fernando was reminded of another titanic face-off: that of Antwerp’s Roman hero of legend, Silvius Brabo, and the evil ogre, Antigoon. Brabo came to the town’s rescue after the tyrannical giant had been charging ships’ captains extortionate taxes and chopping off the hands of those who refused to pay up. Having finally downed Antigoon after a long and terrible duel, Brabo cut off the giant’s own hand and threw it into the river Scheldt, unwittingly giving the town its name: the Dutch for ‘hand-throw’ is hand werpen. What better way for Fernando to name his literary typeface than after the hero of Antwerp’s oldest tale? The garalde factor FS Brabo is not a revival, but a very much a contemporary, personal interpretation of a garalde – a class of typeface originating in the 16th century that includes Bembo, Garamond and Plantin, with characteristically rounded serifs and moderate contrast between strokes. Brabo’s ‘ct’ and ‘st’ ligatures, upper-case italic swashes and contextual ending ligatures – ‘as’, ‘is’, ‘us’ – all preserve the beauty and character of traditional typefaces, but its serifs are chunkier than a garalde. Their sharp cuts and squared edges give them a crispness at text sizes, helping to bring a beautifully bookish personality to hardworking modern applications. A workhorse with pedigree It may give the appearance of a simple, four-weight typeface, but FS Brabo has hidden depths beneath its simplicity and beauty. OpenType features such as cap italic swashes, contextual ending swashes – programmed only to appear at the end of words – and stylistic alternatives make this a complete and well-equipped typeface. Comprehensive testing was carried out at text and display sizes, too, to prevent counters from filling in. All of which makes FS Brabo a very modern take on a traditional workhorse serif typeface: colourful and versatile enough to adorn not just editorial projects but also signage, advertising and logotypes.
  30. H-AND-S by AND, $89.00
    A common creation: (to pass from one hand to the other): For the first time, various hand-signs from diverse sources are unified into one single visual style. This compendium is the result of 15 years of incubation and 7 years of creation. In his travels throughout the world, graphic designer Jean-Benoit Levy, principal of the visual studio AND, has collected pictures of multiple hand signage. Uncertain what to do with those signs, he kept them year after year until the idea came to unify almost 200 handsigns into one single family. In accordance with this entire collection, the name of the typeface is a mix: "h-and-s". A global collection: (To put in good hands): We all have one thing in common: Hand-signs are an international language, they are meant to be understood by all of us. Each of us regularly comes in contact with modern hieroglyphs such as the hand-sign-codes that are so prevalent in our daily life. This way of communication belongs to no one in particular and to all of us in general. Even if the sense of certain signs varies from one culture to the other, there is a common hand-sign language. We are surrounded by this language of handsigns each time we step in a store, we eat, open a container of milk, we clean up, use package of wash-powder, by shaving, when we work, use tools, at home, by tearing the envelope of a condom, by traveling, etc. When we encounter these signs, we all understand them easily. A visual connection: (To go hand in hand): This typeface is a global visual statement. Collecting, ordering, redrawing, unifying. Reconstructed and assembled into one original alphabet, H-AND-S is a unique and complex signs program. Our choice is based on daily gestures and global hand-codes. Logically this typeface starts with the "American Sign Language" and expands on two type-variations, each on two levels of keyboard. The international team of H-AND-S would like to send his special thanks to all of the anonymous graphic designers throughout the world who designed different hand-signage and who influenced and inspired to create such a sign collection into one unified family. We, the global nomad team of AND, hope that you will enjoy our H-AND-S. Additional Credits Production: Studio AND. www.and.ch. Concept, Idea & Creative Direction: Jean-Benoît Lévy, Switzerland / USA. Research & Sketches: Eva Schubert, Germany. Illustration, Graphic Design & Visual Fusion: Diana Stoen, USA. Transfer, Adaptation & Refining: Moonkyung Choi, Korea. Finalization & Checking: Sylvestre Lucia, Switzerland. Coaching & Technical Advice: Mike Kohnke, USA. Creative Energy & Implementation: Joachim Müller-Lancé, Germany / USA.
  31. Remora Sans by G-Type, $39.00
    Remora is an extensive new humanist sans serif which comes in 2 style variations, the effervescent Remora Sans and its corporate business partner Remora Corp . Both styles include 5 individual width sets ranging from the condensed W1 to the extra-wide W5. Furthermore, with an impressive 7 weights (Thin to Ultra) and true matching italics in each pack Remora is an ultra versatile super family comprising 140 individual fonts, perfect for any typographic assignment or design brief. Remora was designed by G-Type founder Nick Cooke. Both the Sans and Corp families share the same proportions, with the exception of certain key characters that change the overall appearance. Remora Sans is an exuberant and characterful typeface while Remora Corp, as its name suggests, is a businesslike typeface more suited to corporate typography. Quite early on in the design process Nick decided to give Remora Corp equal billing instead of incorporating these glyphs as alternates or a stylistic set that may get overlooked. “I created two separate families after learning a valuable lesson with one of my earlier typefaces, Houschka”, says Nick. “Houschka contained distinctive rounded A’s W’s and w’s, with ‘straight’ styles as character alternates. Even though style sets and alternates are easy to activate they are rarely used, so after many requests for customised versions of the fonts with the straight characters as defaults it was decided to create the separate ‘Alt’ family. So I cut straight to the chase with the two Remora variants and created two complementary families.” Both sets contain many shared letterforms, but it is the alternate characters that significantly alter the appearance of each font. Remora has been carefully designed for optimum legibility at large and very small sizes. Although fairly monolinear in appearance, especially in the lighter weights, particular attention has been paid to optical correction like the overshoots of the curved characters. Open counters and painstaking attention to detail (e.g. weight contrast between horizontal and vertical strokes, junctions of shoulders and stems etc) all boost readability and make Remora a great choice across all media. Remora Sans and Corp are ‘humanist’ rather than ‘geometric’ in style, meaning they’re not strictly based on rectangles and circles, resulting in a warm and friendlier feel. The slightly ’super-elliptical’ rounded forms create generously attractive curves. Remora has very distinctive italics in that they are only inclined by 8 degrees, but are not just based on slanted uprights. The italic styles are very alluring when used for display at large sizes and the good news is they come bundled free with their respective uprights. Each family also contains many OpenType features including proportional and tabular numbers, small caps, discretionary ligatures, plus five stylistic sets for ultra versatile typography.
  32. FS Brabo by Fontsmith, $80.00
    Worldly Even though it’s a new arrival, FS Brabo has seen the world. Designed by a Brazilian working in London and studying in Belgium under a Dutchman, it’s certainly well-travelled. And it was inspired by the extraordinary archive of early book typefaces at the world-renowned Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp, while Fernando Mello was attending Frank Blokland’s Expert class Type Design course at the Plantin Institute of Typography. It was there that Fernando became engrossed in the collection of early metal type, matrices, punches and type samples by figures such as Garamond and Granjon. So much so that he took on the mighty task of developing ‘a beautiful, functional, serifed text font’ of his own. Heroic FS Brabo’s journey from sketch to font family took an epic three years, starting in Antwerp, continuing at Fontsmith in London, and reaching its conclusion back in Fernando’s home city of São Paulo. No wonder Fernando was reminded of another titanic face-off: that of Antwerp’s Roman hero of legend, Silvius Brabo, and the evil ogre, Antigoon. Brabo came to the town’s rescue after the tyrannical giant had been charging ships’ captains extortionate taxes and chopping off the hands of those who refused to pay up. Having finally downed Antigoon after a long and terrible duel, Brabo cut off the giant’s own hand and threw it into the river Scheldt, unwittingly giving the town its name: the Dutch for ‘hand-throw’ is hand werpen. What better way for Fernando to name his literary typeface than after the hero of Antwerp’s oldest tale? The garalde factor FS Brabo is not a revival, but a very much a contemporary, personal interpretation of a garalde – a class of typeface originating in the 16th century that includes Bembo, Garamond and Plantin, with characteristically rounded serifs and moderate contrast between strokes. Brabo’s ‘ct’ and ‘st’ ligatures, upper-case italic swashes and contextual ending ligatures – ‘as’, ‘is’, ‘us’ – all preserve the beauty and character of traditional typefaces, but its serifs are chunkier than a garalde. Their sharp cuts and squared edges give them a crispness at text sizes, helping to bring a beautifully bookish personality to hardworking modern applications. A workhorse with pedigree It may give the appearance of a simple, four-weight typeface, but FS Brabo has hidden depths beneath its simplicity and beauty. OpenType features such as cap italic swashes, contextual ending swashes – programmed only to appear at the end of words – and stylistic alternatives make this a complete and well-equipped typeface. Comprehensive testing was carried out at text and display sizes, too, to prevent counters from filling in. All of which makes FS Brabo a very modern take on a traditional workhorse serif typeface: colourful and versatile enough to adorn not just editorial projects but also signage, advertising and logotypes.
  33. Remora Corp by G-Type, $39.00
    Remora is an extensive new humanist sans serif which comes in 2 style variations, the effervescent Remora Sans and its corporate business partner Remora Corp. Both styles include 5 individual width sets ranging from the condensed W1 to the extra-wide W5. Furthermore, with an impressive 7 weights (Thin to Ultra) and true matching italics in each pack Remora is an ultra versatile super family comprising 140 individual fonts, perfect for any typographic assignment or design brief. Remora was designed by G-Type founder Nick Cooke. Both the Sans and Corp families share the same proportions, with the exception of certain key characters that change the overall appearance. Remora Sans is an exuberant and characterful typeface while Remora Corp, as its name suggests, is a businesslike typeface more suited to corporate typography. Quite early on in the design process Nick decided to give Remora Corp equal billing instead of incorporating these glyphs as alternates or a stylistic set that may get overlooked. “I created two separate families after learning a valuable lesson with one of my earlier typefaces, Houschka”, says Nick. “Houschka contained distinctive rounded A’s W’s and w’s, with ‘straight’ styles as character alternates. Even though style sets and alternates are easy to activate they are rarely used, so after many requests for customised versions of the fonts with the straight characters as defaults it was decided to create the separate ‘Alt’ family. So I cut straight to the chase with the two Remora variants and created two complementary families.” Both sets contain many shared letterforms, but it is the alternate characters that significantly alter the appearance of each font. Remora has been carefully designed for optimum legibility at large and very small sizes. Although fairly monolinear in appearance, especially in the lighter weights, particular attention has been paid to optical correction like the overshoots of the curved characters. Open counters and painstaking attention to detail (e.g. weight contrast between horizontal and vertical strokes, junctions of shoulders and stems etc) all boost readability and make Remora a great choice across all media. Remora Sans and Corp are ‘humanist’ rather than ‘geometric’ in style, meaning they’re not strictly based on rectangles and circles, resulting in a warm and friendlier feel. The slightly ’super-elliptical’ rounded forms create generously attractive curves. Remora has very distinctive italics in that they are only inclined by 8 degrees, but are not just based on slanted uprights. The italic styles are very alluring when used for display at large sizes and the good news is they come bundled free with their respective uprights. Each family also contains many OpenType features including proportional and tabular numbers, small caps, discretionary ligatures, plus five stylistic sets for ultra versatile typography.
  34. Preissig Antikva Pro by Storm Type Foundry, $39.00
    This vintage, iconic typeface of original Czech letter-founding has been faithfully revised, extended and newly rendered in 2012. The majority of Vojtěch Preissig’s type faces have been, from their very creation, subject to controversial evaluations which might perhaps fill more pages than have been set in these type faces so far. The considerable technological backwardness of Czech typography between the world wars intensified the author’s creative effort even more. He had been devoting thought to his Antikva type face from 1912 onwards and dozens of hardly perceptible nuances of the same design have been preserved in his drawings. It was his only book type face, but it shows no signs of any hard struggle in creating it. Its extraordinary vividness and elegance are really surprising. It may be still indebted to the forms of Art Nouveau, which was withering away at that time, but its proportions, colour and expression inspire other Czech type designers. Preissig’s Antikva, Menhart’s Figural (and also Růžička’s Fairfield) and Týfa’s Antikva represent a clear line of development, very far away from the soft aesthetics of Tusar, Dyrynk or Brunner. The co-author of the modification for computer composition is Otakar Karlas. Without his experience the work would remain only a shadow of Preissig’s design. Our aim was to produce a large family of type faces for the setting of both books and jobbing works. The digital transcription of Preissig’s Antikva came into existence from summer till winter 1998. The direct model for this type face is the most successful, two-cicero (24 pt.) design dating from 1925. The designs of other sizes (12 pt., 14 pt., 16 pt. and then 36 pt. and 49 pt.) lack vividness and are the source of the widespread mistaken belief that Preissig’s Antikva consists of straight lines. That is, unfortunately, how even Muzika and Menhart describe it. Neither is it a Cubist type face as many of the semi-educated think today. Special attention had to be paid to italics. It is apparent that their design is not as perfect as that of Preissig’s Antikva. In contradistinction to the original we have deleted almost all lower serifs in the lower-case letters, enlarged the angle of inclination and completely redesigned the letters a, e, g, s, k, x, ... All crotches have been lightened by marked incisions. In other words, none of the italic letters corresponds to Preissig’s model. The signs which were missing have been supplemented with regard to the overall character of the alphabet. Preissig did not deal with bold designs, but the crystal-clear logic of his “chopping-off” of the round strokes enabled us to complete the type face family without any greater doubts. An excessively fragile type face, however, cannot be used for setting in smaller sizes; that is why we have prepared a separate family of text designs which has shortened ascenders, normal accents, slightly thickened strokes, and is, in general, optically more quiet and robust. We recommend it for sizes under 12 points. By contrast, the elegance of the basic design will be appreciated most in the sizes used for headlines and posters. Preissig’s Antikva is suitable not only for art books and festive prints, but also for poetry and shorter texts.
  35. Fioritura by Michael Rafailyk, $11.00
    Fioritura is a floral display typeface inspired by Sandro Botticelli's "Primavera" ("Spring") and Guiseppe Arcimboldo's "The Four Seasons" paintings. Fioritura means flowering in Italian, and the character composition consists of stems, leaves, flowers, and flying pollen. Scripts: Latin, Greek, Cyrillic. Language count: 480+. Glyph count: 1103. Kerning: 936 class pairs. Hinting: Not applied. Contextual Alternates: AA BB CC DD EE FF GG LL MM NN OO PP RR SS TT ZZ aa bb cc dd ee ff gg ll mm nn oo pp rr ss tt zz. To keep the writing natural, every second of two frequently repeated letters is automatically replaced by its alternative version. Turned on by default. Contextual Alternates: ΆΈΉΊΌΎΏ. Greek uppercase accented characters lose their tonos accent and retain only dieresis in All Caps mode. Turned on by default. If you need tonos accents in All Caps then turn off Contextual Alternates (calt) feature. Stylistic Alternates: ABCDEFGLMNOPRSTZ abcdefglmnoprstz. Supported languages: Abenaki, Abron, Acheron, Achinese, Achuar-Shiwiar, Adamawa Fulfulde, Adangme, Afar, Afrikaans (Latin), Aghem, Aguaruna, Aja, Akan, Albanian, Alsatian, Amahuaca, Amarakaeri, Amis, Andaandi (Dongolawi), Anuta, Ao Naga, Apinayé, Arabela, Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Arrernte, Arvanitic (Latin), Asháninka, Asturian, Asu, Atayal, Awa-Cuaiquer, Awetí, Aymara, Azerbaijani (Latin, Cyrillic), Baatonum, Bafia, Bagirmi Fulfulde, Balinese, Balkan Romani, Bambara (Latin), Baoulé, Bari, Basaa, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Batak (Latin), Belarusian (Latin, Cyrillic), Bemba, Bena, Biali, Bikol, Bini, Bislama, Boko, Bora, Borgu Fulfulde, Bouna Kulango, Bosnian, Breton, Buginese (Latin), Bulgarian, Buryat, Bushi, Candoshi-Shapra, Cape Verdean Creole, Caquinte, Caribbean Hindustani, Cashibo-Cacataibo, Cashinahua, Catalan, Cebuano, Chachi, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chayahuita, Chechen, Chewa (Latin), Chickasaw, Chiga, Chiltepec Chinantec, Chokwe, Chuukese, Cimbrian, Cofán, Colognian, Cornish, Corsican, Creek (Muscogee), Croatian, Czech, Dagaare, Dagbani, Danish, Dawan, Dehu, Delaware, Dendi, Dholuo, Dimli, Dinka, Ditammari, Drehu, Duala, Dutch, Dungan, Dyula, Embu, English, Erzya, Ese Ejja, Esperanto, Estonian, Ewe, Ewondo, Falam Chin, Fanti, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, Folkspraak, Fon, French, Friulian, Frisian, Fula, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ga’anda, Garifuna, Gen, Genoese, German, Gikuyu, Gilbertese, Gonja, Gooniyandi, Greek, Greenlandic (Kalaallisut), Guadeloupean Creole, Guarani, Gusii (Latin), Gwich’in, Haitian, Hakha Chin (Latin), Hän, Hani, Hausa (Latin), Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Ho-Chunk, Hopi, Hotcąk (Latin), Huastec, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ido, Igbo (Latin), Ilocano, Indonesian, Interglossa, Interlingua, Irish, Istro-Romanian, Italian, Ixcatlán Mazatec, Jamaican, Javanese (Latin), Jèrriais, Jola, Kabuverdianu, Kabiyè, Kabuverdianu, Kabyle (Latin), Kaingang, Kako, Kala Lagaw Ya, Kalaallisut, Kalenjin, Kalmyk (Cyrillic), Kamba, Kanuri, Kaonde, Kapampangan (Latin), Kaqchikel, Karachay (Cyrillic), Karakalpak (Latin), Karelian, Kashubian, Kazakh, Kekchí, Kenzi, Khalkha (Cyrillic), Khasi, Khoekhoe, K’iche’, Kikuyu, Kimbundu, Kinyarwanda (Ruanda), Kiribati, Kirmanjki, Kirundi (Rundi), Kissi, Kituba, Klingon, Kölsch, Kongo, Konzo, Koyra Chiini, Koyraboro Senni, Kpelle, Krio, Kuanyama, Kumyk, Kurdish, Kven Finnish, Kwasio, Kyrgyz (Cyrillic), Ladin, Ladino, Lakota, Lamnso’, Langi, Latgalian, Latin, Latino sine Flexione, Latvian, Ligurian, Limba, Lingala, Lithuanian, Lobi, Lojban, Lombard, Low German, Lozi, Luba-Katanga, Luba-Lulua, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Maasai, Maasina Fulfulde, Macedonian, Machame, Madurese (Latin), Makhuwa, Makonde, Makwe, Malagasy (Latin), Malaysian Malay (Latin), Maltese, Mam, Maninkakan, Manx, Maore Comorian, Māori, Mapudungun, Marquesan, Marshallese, Masai, Matsés, Mauritian Creole, Mbelime, Megleno-Romanian, Mende, Meriam Mir, Meru, Meta’ (Latin), Metlatónoc Mixtec, Mezquital Otomi, Mi’kmaq, Minangkabau, Mirandese, Mískito, Miyobe, Mizo, Mohawk, Moksha, Moldovan, Mongolian (Cyrillic), Montagnais, Montenegrin (Latin, Cyrillic), Mossi, Mundang, Munsee, Murrinh-Patha, Murui Huitoto, Mwani, Naga Pidgin, Nagamese Creole, Nahuatl, Nama, Nateni, Navajo, Ndebele, Ndonga, Neapolitan, Ngazidja Comorian, Ngiemboon, Ngiyambaa, Ngomba, Nigerian Fulfulde, Niuean, Nobiin, Nomatsiguenga, Noongar, Norwegian (Bokmål, Nynorsk), Novial, Nuer, Nyamwezi, Nyanja, Nyankole, Nyemba, Nzima, Occidental (Interlingue), Occitan, Ojitlán Chinantec, Old Icelandic, Old Norse, Onĕipŏt, Oromo, Oroqen, Oshiwambo (Ovambo), Ossetian (Latin, Cyrillic), Otuho, Páez, Palauan, Paluan, Pampanga, Papantla Totonac, Papiamentu, Pedi, Picard, Pichis Ashéninka, Piedmontese, Pijin, Pintupi-Luritja, Pipil, Pohnpeian, Polish, Portuguese, Potawatomi, Prussian, Pulaar, Pular, Purepecha, Qiandong Miao, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romani, Romanian, Romansh, Rombo, Rotokas, Russian, Rusyn, Rwa, Sakha, Samburu, Sami (Inari, Lule, Northern, Southern, Pite, Skolt, Ume), Samoan, Sango, Sangu, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Secoya, Sena, Serbian, Seri, Seychellois Creole, Shambala, Sharanahua, Shawnee, Shilluk, Shipibo-Conibo, Shona, Shuar, Sicilian, Silesian, Siona, Slovak, Slovene (Slovenian), Slovio (Latin), Soga, Somali, Soninke, Sorbian (Lower, Upper), Sotho (Nothern, Southern), Spanish, Sranan, Sukuma, Sundanese (Latin), Susu, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Swiss German, Tachelhit (Latin), Tagalog, Tahitian, Taita, Tajik (Cyrillic), Talysh, Tasawaq, Tatar (Cyrillic, Latin), Tedim Chin, Teso, Tetum, Ticuna, Timne, Tiv, Toba, Tojolabal, Tok Pisin, Tokelauan, Tonga, Tongan, Tosk, Totontepec Mixe, Tsafiki, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin, Cyrillic), Tuvaluan, Tuvan, Twi, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Uab Meto, Ukrainian, Ulithian, Umbundu, Urarina, Uyghur (Cyrillic), Uzbek (Latin, Cyrillic), Vai, Venda, Venetian, Veps, Vietnamese, Volapük, Võro, Vunjo, Waama, Waci Gbe, Wallisian, Walloon, Walser, Wangaaybuwan-Ngiyambaa, Waorani, Waray, Warlpiri, Wasa, Wayuu, Welsh, Wik-Mungkan, Wiradjuri, Wolof (Latin), Xavante, Xhosa, Xwela Gbe, Yagua, Yanesha’, Yangben, Yanomamö, Yao, Yapese, Yindjibarndi, Yoruba (Latin), Yucateco, Záparo, Zapotec, Zarma, Zazaki, Zulu, Zuni. The promo images used photos of Cottonbro, Maria Lindsey from Pexels, and Andreea Popa, Wyron A from Unsplash.
  36. Danah by Eyad Al-Samman, $35.00
    Danah” is the first name of a very close and cherished classmate, friend, and peer. Danah is a Palestinian woman who used to study with me in the same university where I was honorably introduced to her several years ago. In fact, I decided to dedicate this typeface wholly to her in return for all the years of friendship that we had spent together as classmates during the late 1990s. She was—and absolutely still—a source of support and inspiration for me in life due to her brilliant, big-hearted, and philanthropic personality. Danah likes different things in life and among them the sea, horses, reading, and also travelling. She lives and works now in Palestine, and yearns for being granted a new life—like many other free Palestinians—full of freedom, peace, and happyness. Danah® is a handwriting and scribbly Arabic display typeface. The main trait of this typeface is the realistic handwriting design of its letters and ligatures. This feature renders it as one of the stylish typefaces used for headlines and also texts. Among the distinguished letters of Danah® typeface are the “Qaaf”, “Kaaf”, “Meem”, “Noon”, and others. Moreover, Danah® typeface has a character set which supports Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Latin letters/numerals with a limited range of specific Arabic and Latin ligatures. This font comes in a single weight (i.e., regular) with exactly 639 distinctive glyphs. Due to its free and streamlined design, Danah® typeface is appropriate for heading and text in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu. It can be graphically and visually exploited in magazines, posters, and interfaces of different things such as clothes and equipment. Moreover, it can be pleasingly used in writing personal, friendly, and unofficial letters, messages, documents, invoices, notes, dispatches and menus which require a smoothed handwritten touch and trend. It is also elegantly suitable for signs, books’ covers, advertisement light boards, and titles of flyers, pamphlets, novels, and books of children and adults. In brief, Danah® typeface is one of the new hand-drawn typefaces which can be brought into play efficiently in diverse graphic, typographic, calligraphic, and artistic works in different languages and cultures. 2018-09-13 00:00:00.000 10.0000 F25946-S114426 10913 Timeless URW Type Foundry https://www.myfonts.com/collections/timeless-duplicate-font-urw NULL NULL 2016-01-08 00:00:00.000 89.9900 F10913-S42560 54569 Jellofries Maulana Creative https://www.myfonts.com/collections/jellofries-font-maulana-creative https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10000/JtHgrbkPi7YU282OWix69Tqb_97b690350e4b3ed453d7c27fe0eb6664.png Jellofries is a fancy brush script font. With brush bold contrast stroke, fun character with a bit of ligatures and alternates. To give you an extra creative work. Jellofries font support multilingual more than 100+ language. This font is good for logo design, Social media, Movie Titles, Books Titles, a short text even a long text letter and good for your secondary text font with sans or serif. Make a stunning work with Jellofries font. Cheers, Maulana Creative 2022-05-06 00:00:00.000 12.0000 F54569-S252887 38361 Alt Moav ALT https://www.myfonts.com/collections/alt-moav-font-andreas-leonidou https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10000/70046_aa489c02cd589f8f924b405c901a8014.png Moav is a geometric experimental display typeface for use on logos,posters etc. 2011-12-13 00:00:00.000 15.0000 F38361-S179452 42255 M Elle HK Monotype HK https://www.myfonts.com/collections/m-elle-hk-font-monotype-hk NULL HK series fonts are in Unicode encoding and consists of BIG 5 character set and HKSCS characters. The character glyphs are based on the regular Traditional Chinese writing form and style. It is generally used in Taiwan ROC, Hong Kong and Macau. 2011-05-11 00:00:00.000 523.9900 F42255-S193845 71839 Kaerobi Kulokale https://www.myfonts.com/collections/kaerobi-font-kulokale https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10004/ieVtB18gl4EgKrVVDIPLtX8b_33d93ffd2cd339b2544feb3d7a0a3121.png Kaerobi is an condensed display font, and with a style that is very different from the others. This font comes in four styles, Regular, Oblique, Rough, and Outline Version. Kaerobi is well-suited for posters, social media, headlines, magazine titles, clothing, large print formats - and wherever you want to be seen. Inspired by the style of design that is currently popular, and this is the answer to all the needs of every idea that you will pour in this modern era. We highly recommend using a program that supports OpenType features and Glyphs panels such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe InDesign, or CorelDraw, so you can see and access all Glyph variations. This font is encoded with Unicode PUA, which allows full access to all additional characters without having special design software. Mac users can use Font Book, and Windows users can use Character Map to view and copy one of the extra characters to paste into your favorite text editor / application. Thank You. 2022-08-16 00:00:00.000 17.0000 F71839-S298671 52588 The Heather Romie Creative https://www.myfonts.com/collections/the-heather-font-romie-creative https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10000/Lc4estBSB0wCiDunz9GNDUcb_097035319875b31f0a18a4bb2e8e675b.png The Heather Script is a formal calligraphy design, including Regular. This font is casual and pretty with a stroke. Can be used for various purposes. such as logos, product packaging, wedding invitations, branding, headlines, signage, labels, signatures, book covers, posters, quotes and much more. Heather Script featuring OpenType style alternatives, ligatures and International support for most Western Languages ​​is included. To enable the OpenType Stylistic alternative, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Indesign & CorelDraw X6-X7, Microsoft Word 2010 or a later version. How to access all alternative characters using Adobe Illustrator: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzwjMkbB-wQ Heather Script is coded with PUA Unicode, which allows full access to all additional characters without having to design special software. Mac users can use Font Book , and Windows users can use Character Map to view and copy any additional characters to paste into your favorite text editor/application. How to access all alternative characters, using the Windows Character Map with Photoshop: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go9vacoYmBw 2022-02-23 00:00:00.000 19.0000 F52588-S242949 16709 Pastina Lebbad Design https://www.myfonts.com/collections/pastina-font-lebbad-design https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10000/220264_a574aa9e49d2f9f1da3950f1fef09123.png Pastina is an elegant serif font consisting of caps, lower case, and alternate characters. Soft serifs and the graceful flow of each character add to the classic feel of this font. 2008-07-31 00:00:00.000 24.9500 F16709-S66588 2367 Munira Script Picatype https://www.myfonts.com/collections/munira-script-font-picatype https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10000/309621_5c93006e7517281c082dc7c75bfd1c2b.png Munira Script is a modern calligraphy design. This font is casual and pretty with swashes. It can be used for various purposes. such as logos, product packaging, wedding invitations, branding, headlines, signage, labels, signature, book covers, posters, quotes and more. Munira Script features OpenType stylistic alternates, ligatures and International support for most Western Languages. To enable the OpenType Stylistic alternates, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Indesign & CorelDraw X6-X7, Microsoft Word 2010 or later versions. How to access all alternative characters using Adobe Illustrator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzwjMkbB-wQ How to access all alternative characters, using Windows Character Map with Photoshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go9vacoYmBw Munira Script is coded with PUA Unicode, which allows full access to all the extra characters without having special designing software. Mac users can use Font Book , and Windows users can use Character Map to view and copy any of the extra characters to paste into your favourite text editor/app. If you need help or have any questions, please let me know. I'm happy to help :) Thanks & Happy Designing! 2019-07-05 00:00:00.000 10.0000 F2367-S10062 27004 Ketimun Hanoded https://www.myfonts.com/collections/ketimun-font-hanoded https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10000/306179_8517cd9a57ccc15cff68737e17de4e85.png Ketimun means ‘cucumber’ in Bahasa Indonesia. At home we eat a lot (A LOT) of Indonesian food, which often includes Acar Ketimun (Sweet/sour cucumber salad). I usually make the simple version, but sometimes I go for the more elaborate cucumber salad (the recipe of which you’ll find on poster 2). Ketimun font is a rather delicious script font; uneven, organic and full of life. Comes with a fresh taste and lots of diacritics. 2019-06-06 00:00:00.000 15.0000 F27004-S120951 38675 Psalterium Alter Littera https://www.myfonts.com/collections/psalterium-font-alter-littera https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10000/204202_94b78204200645ccd1daa5d5f1a63916.png A clean, smooth adaptation of the magnificent gothic types used by Johann Fust and Peter Schöffer in their famous Mainz Psalter (Psalterium Moguntinum) of 1457, also used in their Canon of the Mass (Canon Missae) of 1458, and in their Benedictine Psalter (Psalterium Benedictinum) of 1459. [Although these works were published after Gutenberg’s break with Fust, it is generally agreed that Gutenberg was working along with Fust and Schöffer on the Mainz Psalter while the 42-line Bible was still being printed.] In addition to the usual standard characters for typesetting modern texts, the font includes a comprehensive set of special characters, uncial initials (adapted from both the Mainz Psalter and early sixteenth-century Dutch types by Henric Pieterszoon), alternates and ligatures, plus Opentype features, that can be used for typesetting (almost) exactly as in the Mainz Psalter and later incunabula. The main historical sources used during the font design process were high-resolution scans from the copy of the Mainz Psalter preserved at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna (the only copy whose colophon includes the famous printer’s mark of Fust and Schöffer). Other sources were as follows: Masson, I. (1954), The Mainz Psalters and Canon Missae, 1457-59, London: Printed for the Bibliographical Society; Kapr, A. (1996), Johann Gutenberg - The Man and his Invention, Aldershot: Scolar Press (ch. 8); Füssel, S. (2005), Gutenberg and the impact of printing, Burlington: Ashgate (ch. 1); and Man, J. (2009), The Gutenberg Revolution, London: Bantam (ch. 8). Specimen, detailed character map, OpenType features, and font samples available at Alter Littera’s The Oldtype “Psalterium” Font Page. Note: Several uncial initials in The Oldtype “Psalterium” Font have been derived from corresponding characters in The Initials “Gothic C” Font, adjusting them to cope with the special (large) x-height and letter spacing of the Psalterium font (so the two sets of initials are not directly interchangeable). 2012-07-06 00:00:00.000 25.0000 F38675-S178340 23791 VLNL Donuts VetteLetters https://www.myfonts.com/collections/vlnl-donuts-font-vetteletters https://cdn.myfonts.net/cdn-cgi/image/width=417,height=208,fit=contain,format=auto/images/pim/10001/190114_ca5047d6d6754375933067862f9328a8.png VLNL Donuts’ first incarnation was designed already in 2005 by DBXL as a logo for Dutch funky house music outfit Hardsoul, and since then has been used for lots of music related projects. Donuts is heavily infused by hip 1970s geometric fonts like Blippo, Pump and ITC Bauhaus, but nonetheless has both feet in this modern day and age. Meticulously designed and tightly spaced, VLNL Donuts is very suitable for logos, headlines and music artwork. We especially recommend using it on big 12 album covers. Oh, and it got its name for obvious reasons (“the O looks like one...’) VLNL Donuts is deep fried, glazed and can be covered in a variety of sweetness: sprinkles, cinnamon, coconut, chopped peanuts, powdered sugar or maple syrup. They also can be filled with cream, custard or jam. As a very sweet and saturated snack should, VLNL Donuts is fitted with a full set of alternate swoosh caps that can be deployed to liven up your already ‘out there’ designs.
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